R2005 Vlisp: I open a drawing that has a mesh that I'm running a program on. i check for arx apps loaded. Command: (arx) ("acapp.arx" "acdblclkedit.arx" "acdblclkeditpe.arx" "acdim.arx" "aceplotx.arx" "acetlodr.arx" "acetutil.arx" "achapi16.dbx" "achlnkui.arx" "acidropmgr.arx" "aclayerp.arx" "acmgd.dll" "acpltstamp.arx" "acsign.arx" "acsmnav.arx" "acspacetrans.arx" "acstd.arx" "actaskbar.arx" "actp.arx" "acvba.arx" "doslib2004.arx" "fscreen.arx" "geom3d.arx" "movebak.arx" "oleaprot.arx" "vl.arx" "whohas.arx" "wscommcntraccon.arx") Note "geom3d.arx" in the alphabetical list. Now I try to run the align command in my program. Command: (align ent2 p2 pp3 p3 pp2) ; error: no function definition: ALIGN Hmmm... So I type align at the command prompt and then cancel: Command: align Select objects: align*Cancel* Now I try to run align again. Command: (align ent2 p2 pp3 p3 pp2) T Works perfectly. Does align have to be loaded before I can call it from lisp? TIA Bill