Align command buffer overflow

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by jonp, Jul 6, 2004.

  1. jonp

    jonp Guest

    I am having a problem with the "align" command, apparently it can only process 124 entities in a loop then it ignores the other entities.
    To test this start a new drawing, draw at least 125 arcs in the drawing and run the following code. The program processes 124 arcs and then ignores the rest.
    Does anybody know how to fix this?

    (defun c:align_arcs ()
    (setq ent (entnext)
    counter 1
    (if (not (member "geom3d.arx" (arx)))
    (arxload "geom3d.arx")
    (while ent
    (strcat "\rProcessing arc #" (rtos counter 2 0))
    ent2 (entget ent)
    start_center (list (car (dxf 10 ent2)) (cadr (dxf 10 ent2)))
    radius (dxf 40 ent2)
    start_angle (dxf 50 ent2)
    end_angle (dxf 51 ent2)
    arc-angle (- end_angle start_angle)
    start_point (polar start_center start_angle radius)
    end_point (polar start_center end_angle radius)
    (align ent
    (list (cadr start_point) (car start_point))
    (list (cadr end_point) (car end_point))
    (setq counter (1+ counter))
    ent (entnext ent)
    (defun dxf (dxf_code entity_list)
    (cdr (assoc dxf_code entity_list))

    jonp, Jul 6, 2004
  2. jonp

    Joe Burke Guest


    The problem seems to be each pass of the align function within the while loop creates
    a new selection set. When it hits 128, the maximum number of selection sets, it

    I've run a few tests to verify. Open file containing 170 arcs and nothing else. Load
    and run your program. 128 arcs are aligned. The rest are not. At this point, select
    some of the arcs. Properties reports, "No selection". IOW, the application can't
    create a new selection set.

    I'm not sure how to fix the problem. Maybe someone else here knows.

    Or maybe the align function within geom3d.arx is at fault for not releasing each
    selection set it creates.

    Joe Burke

    entities in a loop then it ignores the other entities.
    following code. The program processes 124 arcs and then ignores the rest.
    Joe Burke, Jul 7, 2004
  3. jonp

    jonp Guest

    Dear Joe

    You are probably right regarding the selection sets, the program I posted is a part of a larger program that uses selection sets and lately I have been getting an error regarding maximum selections sets being reached but I did not link it to the align command but the selection sets I used - this explains a lot but I am not sure how to fix it and still use the align loop.

    Hopefully someone has the answer, or Autodesk has a fix for the align function!

    jonp, Jul 7, 2004
  4. jonp

    Joe Burke Guest


    The fact you are seeing an error regarding, "maximum selection sets" tends to confirm
    the theory behind the problem. I know, the function you posted does not return this
    error by itself.

    Seems to me there should be some way to clear/delete the previous selection set. But
    the problem may be you are calling an external function. Have you tried using
    (command "align" ...? I wonder if that would work different compared to calling the
    align function directly from geom3d.arx?

    Joe Burke

    of a larger program that uses selection sets and lately I have been getting an error
    regarding maximum selections sets being reached but I did not link it to the align
    command but the selection sets I used - this explains a lot but I am not sure how to
    fix it and still use the align loop.
    Joe Burke, Jul 7, 2004
  5. jonp

    jonp Guest

    Dear Joe

    If I use the (command "align"... AutoCAD crashes with the error that commands can only be nested 4 deep so the external command (align... has to be used.

    I have been going through several remedies I found in the discussion group to clear selection sets but none of them works, so I guess "align" does not use conventional selection sets that can be cleared by code????

    jonp, Jul 7, 2004
  6. jonp

    Joe Burke Guest


    I think I found a solution. Pass ent to align in a selection set. Funny fix, hugh.

    Joe Burke

    (defun c:align_arcs2 ( / ent counter ss ent2 start_center radius start_angle
    end_angle arc_angle start_point end_point )

    (setq ent (entnext)
    counter 1
    (if (not (member "geom3d.arx" (arx)))
    (arxload "geom3d.arx")
    (while ent
    (strcat "\rProcessing arc #" (rtos counter 2 0))
    (setq ss (ssadd)) ;added
    (ssadd ent ss) ;added
    ent2 (entget ent)
    start_center (list (car (dxf 10 ent2)) (cadr (dxf 10 ent2)))
    radius (dxf 40 ent2)
    start_angle (dxf 50 ent2)
    end_angle (dxf 51 ent2)
    arc-angle (- end_angle start_angle)
    start_point (polar start_center start_angle radius)
    end_point (polar start_center end_angle radius)
    ;(align ent ;revised
    (align ss
    (list (cadr start_point) (car start_point))
    (list (cadr end_point) (car end_point))
    (setq counter (1+ counter))
    ent (entnext ent)
    ) ;while
    ) ;end

    only be nested 4 deep so the external command (align... has to be used.
    selection sets but none of them works, so I guess "align" does not use conventional
    selection sets that can be cleared by code????
    Joe Burke, Jul 8, 2004
  7. jonp

    Joe Burke Guest


    Forgot to mention, note the function name: "align_arcs2".

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Jul 8, 2004
  8. jonp

    MP Guest

    Hi Joe,

    I guess this is just a test command?
    wouldn't it have problem if anything other than arcs were in the dwg?

    ;no testing for 'arcness' ?
    ; clever use of ssadd in a loop to clear and reset a selection set - i
    didn't know that would work but I tried it and it does - cool
    by the way, who's Hugh?

    MP, Jul 8, 2004
  9. jonp

    jonp Guest


    I tested your patch and it worked perfectly, many thanks!

    To MP:
    You are right - this is just a test function. It is a part of a subroutine that is only passed arcs in a larger program that recalculates coordinates of all entities in the drawing (that is why I can't be bothered with comments or local variables...).

    When searching for bugs, such as this one in the align command, I often simplify the code to eliminate options as in this case.

    jonp, Jul 8, 2004
  10. jonp

    Joe Burke Guest


    You're welcome. Glad to hear it worked on your end.

    BTW, regarding local vars, I appreciate what you said. Just keep in mind, not
    declaring local vars sometimes leads additional debugging problems. Particularly if a
    sub-function uses append or cons to create or manipulate a list.

    Then again, maybe you are handling the symbols created by sub-functions in the
    calling function. That's something I try avoid whenever possible. IOW, design the
    sub-functions to return what they are designed to do, or nil if they fail.

    Joe Burke

    only passed arcs in a larger program that recalculates coordinates of all entities in
    the drawing (that is why I can't be bothered with comments or local variables...).
    the code to eliminate options as in this case.
    Joe Burke, Jul 9, 2004
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