Alert Box pops up prior to Cond Script running

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Coyote, Jan 3, 2005.

  1. Coyote

    Coyote Guest

    Good Morning Everyone,

    I'm stumped as to why my Alert Box pops up prior to the condition statement running. In the code below if either of the first 2 conditions are met then I want the commands executed and after that have the Alert "Database Updated" displayed.

    ((= FileSel 6)
    (setq FileLst (dos_getfilem "Select Shop Drawings To Retrieve Mark Numbers" "C:\\" "Drawing Files (*.DWG)|2_*.dwg"))
    ;;; The line Above Prompts User to Select Dwgs To Create List (Result Ex: = "C:\\ABC-1234\\" "2_01.dwg" "2_05.dwg")
    (setq ProjFldr (car Filelst)) ; Sets Variable To The Project Folder (Result Ex: "C:\\ABC-1234\\")
    (setq DwgList (cdr Filelst)) ; Sets Variable for Dwg List (Result Ex: "2_01.dwg" "2_05.dwg")
    (setq ScrFileNm (strcat (strcat ProjFldr "Misc\\Autocount\\") "Mark_Number_Batch.scr"))
    (setq ScrFile (open ScrFileNm "w"))
    (foreach d DwgList ; Create A Loop To Run The Code Below On Each Dwg In The List
    (setq CurDwg (strcat ProjFldr d)) ; Sets Variable For Dwg To Be Opened (Result Ex: = "C:\\ABC-1234\\2_01.dwg")
    (write-line (strcat "open \"" CurDwg "\"") ScrFile)
    (write-line "(load \"C:/Autocount/DB_Get_Mark_Numbers.lsp\")" ScrFile)
    (write-line "(load \"C:/Autocount/ED_Mark_Number_Data.lsp\")" ScrFile)
    (write-line "getmknums" ScrFile)
    (write-line ".qsave" ScrFile)
    (write-line ".Close" ScrFile)
    ); End Foreach
    (close ScrFile)
    (command "_.script" ScrFileNm)
    ); End First Condition
    ((= FileSel 3)
    (load "C:/Autocount/DB_Get_Mark_Numbers")
    (load "C:/Autocount/ED_Mark_Number_Data")
    ); End Second Cond
    (( = FileSel 1)
    (Alert "Command Canceled And Database Not Updated")
    ); End Third Cond
    ); End Cond Loop
    (if (/= FileSel 1)
    (Alert "Database Has Been Updated With Mark Number Data")
    );End If Loop

    Thanks In Advance
    Coyote, Jan 3, 2005
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