Agile & SolidWorks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Devon T. Sowell, Aug 26, 2006.

  1. Devon T. Sowell, Aug 26, 2006
  2. Devon T. Sowell

    TOP Guest

    I think we looked at it and went with dbWorks instead.
    TOP, Aug 27, 2006
  3. Devon T. Sowell

    ms Guest

    With Agile, prepare to flush a lot of $$$ down the toilet (open your wallet
    and hand it over to the consultants). Expect to get nothing but a lot of
    buzzwords with Agile: leveraging integrated supply paradigms, rightsizing
    engineered platforms, multi-faceted solution partnering, etc. What the hell
    does it all mean? I don't know...could never get a direct answer from the
    "solutions provider".
    ms, Sep 1, 2006
  4. Devon T. Sowell

    fcsuper Guest


    I've been using Agile for 8 years. I worked at their first big client,
    Electroglas (no longer exists). And I've been using it at my current
    company for a long time. I am a very efficient and fairly
    knowledgeable Agile user.

    In my opinion, it is not an enterprise wide solution. I see it barely
    be able to handle change control of PDF's and Word Docs, let along SW
    documents. I've not seen it be able to handle inventory control and
    part requesition. Sure, they will try to sell you modules that does
    this and does that, but ultimately, it is a big expense of money and
    time with limited value in return.

    I would look seriously at true enterprise wide applications that can
    handle doc control, revision/change control, part requestition and
    inventory control in one package solution. If you are already must use
    Agile, start the drum beat to get replace it. The longer you have it,
    the less useful it is, but the harder it is to eliminate .

    Ok, enough of the that, here's how you deal with the realities. Agile
    cannot handle take SolidWorks files properly. Agile is not able to
    maintain links between parts, other parts, assemblies, and drawings.
    Plus, if you try to put files that are too big (like over a couple of
    meg's) into Agile, Agile will crash consistently when accessing those
    file, becoming a very unstable platform. We have this issue with Word
    Documents. Imagine what it would do with SW files.

    Use PDMWorks to handle your SW files. Tell those who want you to put
    SW files into Agile that Agile cannot handle them properly. SW files
    are all interlinked, and this will be lost in Agile, making many of the
    files useless or even corrupt, because of the blind way Agile stores
    them. I've had to stave off efforts to put SW files in Agile a couple
    of times. Of course, Agile's suggested work around? Print to PDF and
    store those instead. So that's what we do. Maybe you can use
    eDrawings instead of PDF. Either way, we manage our SW files very
    effectively with PDMWorks.
    fcsuper, Sep 1, 2006
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