AECC_contours again

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by TCEBob, Jul 8, 2003.

  1. TCEBob

    TCEBob Guest

    On Feb 25 I asked for a way to change AECC-contour elevations. The answer proposed was to use
    vlax-get-property. Made sense, so I finally got around to trying it today. It seems that
    (vlax-ename->vla-object . . .) will not recognize the AECC-contours. Is there some supplemental info
    that I need to incorporate into vla to recognize them? Or where is there a detailed description of
    the object?

    TCEBob, Jul 8, 2003
  2. TCEBob

    John Uhden Guest

    I remember.
    Yes it will, or should I say "should?" What does your _VERNUM command report?
    Though it shouldn't make any difference, maybe you should try the alternative
    syntaxes... (vla-get-elevation object) or (vlax-get object 'Elevation)
    John Uhden, Jul 8, 2003
  3. TCEBob

    TCEBob Guest

    Oh oh. Vla-get-elevation won't work on command objects like lines and arcs.
    vlax-property-available-p tells me so. Guess I have to go back to attributes for them.

    Of course, Change works, but then I don't get the education.

    TCEBob, Jul 9, 2003
  4. TCEBob

    TCEBob Guest

    Ecch. "common objects."
    TCEBob, Jul 9, 2003
  5. TCEBob

    John Uhden Guest

    Hey... remember learning to ride a bike? Skinning your knees was part of the
    process. You also gained humility. :)
    Sheesh, now you're making me think of today's stifling methods...
    overregulation, overimposed assistance leading to overexpected assistance,
    overorganized recreation, leash laws, go-cart laws, bicycle helmets, blah blah
    blah. What happened to the days of losing a few fingers, teeth, or hours of
    sleep, long division, deriving your own formulas, for the sake of experience?
    So what if you didn't know that pure sodium thrown into water would create an
    explosion? The neighbors probably wanted a new pool anyway, right? And you'll
    never forget it 'cause you did it yourself.

    Don't mind me. I'm just trying to soften you up a little. :]
    John Uhden, Jul 9, 2003
  6. Thank you, sensei. I take great pride in my humility.

    Haven't blown up a pool with sodium, though it sounds
    splendid. However, in 1943, in Texas, where Christmas was
    celebrated with fireworks, one could buy a "depth charge."
    this was a firecracker about 1 1/2" long and 1/2" in
    diameter with a wick sticking out of its side. It would
    float wick-up. We kids did not have a pool, pond or
    puddle, but we had my mother's oval dishpan and a hose.
    Gratification was imminent. I had the honor as it was my
    dishpan. Clearing my mind of all but the task at hand, I
    struck a match, lit the fuse, launched the depth charge
    into the placid waters and rejoined the troops. The
    universe was still for a few moments and then, kabam! A
    most gratifying eruption of water and a generous report.
    We rushed up to look for flotsam and saw that a 3" hole
    was blown out of the side of the dishpan. My pals hastily
    remembered appointments elsewhere and disappeared. When
    mom came home I 'fessed up, realizing that no alternative
    tale existed to explain the ragged hole in the dishpan.
    She was a feisty woman and I expected the worst, but
    perhaps she was more amused than angry because I survived
    with a lecture.

    Robert Shiffman, Jul 9, 2003
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