Advice from a Beta Tester

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dennis, Aug 13, 2003.

  1. Dennis

    Nick E. Guest

    Arlin Sandbulte quipped:

    saw that today now that i've had some time to really look thru it some more.
    quite nice.
    Nick E., Aug 15, 2003
  2. Dennis

    Nick E. Guest

    Jerry Steiger quipped:
    actually, that is one of my fav's.

    --nick e.
    Nick E., Aug 15, 2003
  3. Dennis

    Nick E. Guest

    more observations:

    mostly in drawing mode. only gotten to play with assys & parts briefly. hard
    to do when I don't have a new project to use exclusively in 2004.

    -Still can't decide on speed. Some things seems quicker, some seem
    slower (working 100% local files). Overall seems like a wash so far. but i
    did have 2001+ and 2004 open at the same time. So I'll hold off on this
    one. All parts are converted when saved too-->no native 2004 files.
    -Mouse wheel zoom works in drawings!!
    -I think i like the command manager toolbar. Will take some adjusting too. I
    definately see the use for it: save screen space. Still haven't found how
    to make those buttons smaller tho...
    -Found display problem finally: shaded with edges. No like with edges.
    -Why the hell can't I have more than one line of text ABOVE my dimension
    text?!?? In fact, why do there need to be (3) different text boxes for
    dim text anyways? AutoCAD way much better. This one's bugged me for
    quite some time. Which leads me to the next point...
    -You can justify dimension text!! woo-hoo! finally. Even up-and-down
    -Look like they finally fixed the problem where all the buttons grey-out
    after certain operations (RMB->View mates--->delete a mate in 2001+)
    -Aww, how cute! They even have a window for Clippy!!
    -Measuring: Finally! A perpetual set of axes that stays in the
    viewport!! I still want to see the measure tool use positive and
    negative directions tho.
    -$LimitMates = $GoodThing + $Hella_cool;
    -Can't CTRL-drag a new instance of a part by grabbing the part? It works
    if you drag it in from the design tree, but not from the viewport. PR,
    so I assume this'll work again by release time.
    -HOLY SHIT!!!! EXPORT TO PDF!!!! (Note that this does not eliminate the
    need for your SAMBA server tho.) :)
    -You can resize the save-file dialog box!
    -I definately like the "Mates In <this assy>" list.
    -Gear mates good.

    -nick e.
    Nick E., Aug 15, 2003
  4. Dennis

    Chris Guest

    RMB command manager, deselect 'show description' - returns icons to normal
    size. Don't forget to try this with the manager down the lhs...
    Chris, Aug 15, 2003
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