Advice from a Beta Tester

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dennis, Aug 13, 2003.

  1. Dennis

    Dennis Guest

    I was a Beta Tester. Stay with SW 2003. Nothing
    special about SW 2004.

    Manuals are the same, nothing new here either.

    Dennis, Aug 13, 2003
  2. Dennis

    Dennis Guest

    What is your agenda? Certainly not the truth. You must
    be a reseller, anxious to line your pockets with
    profits from mediocre software. Tough world.
    Dennis, Aug 13, 2003
  3. Dennis

    buster Guest

    special to who?

    SW2004 is faster than SW2003
    The new mold tools are a help
    mate folders are very nice
    limit mate, gear mates
    new GUI, command manager
    move-copy sketch is improved
    and a ton of others

    SW2004 is not perfect, but to say theirs nothing special is a misleading
    statement. IMO
    buster, Aug 13, 2003
  4. Dennis

    Arlin Guest

    For some, the BOM improvement alone may be worth the upgrade. Now, you
    can 'easily' edit the BOM contents to include things like bulk
    quantities (24in). Excluding components from the BOM is much better now

    Fit splines: Now parametric to the parent geometry, plus, they can fill
    gaps in the parent geometry. Could now be a VERY powerful spline
    manipulation tool!

    Limit mates: Allow a part to move in a set range.

    Gear Mates: Force components to rotate relative to each other.

    Hole tables... something lots of people have been asking for!!

    The feature tree in assemblies now shows mates belonging to that
    component (sort of like a show features/show dependencies hybrid)

    Drawing performance. (I've not thoroughly tested it, but it does look
    at least a little promising)

    IMO, SWX2004 does not include anything earth-shattering, like
    multibodies in 2003. But there are many small improvements that many
    users have asked for. The UI has really changed to decrease space
    needed for icons and commands (it can be changed back to the old style),
    keeping the graphics area as large as possible.

    For some, 2004 does not provide any compelling reason to upgrade, but
    for others, just one of the above features could be plenty of reason!
    Arlin, Aug 13, 2003
  5. Dennis

    matt Guest

    You must have tested something different from what the rest of us
    saw. If SW04 is "mediocre", what software are you representing?

    Here are some of my favorites in 04

    - new section view is awesome
    - autoballoon drawings
    - redone BOM, with the choice of using old Excel type
    - hole charts
    - revision blocks
    - way improved color/transparency dialog
    - huge improvements with material properties
    - Task Scheduler for batch operations
    - more flexible interface (menus/toolbars)
    - if you do welded frames, you will have to have 2004!!
    - real view (textures displayed on parts w/o photoworks)
    - fit spline
    - measure tool always available (in the middle of other commands)
    - ruled surface feature
    - options to integrate surfaces into solid in fewer steps
    - loft handles
    - new wrap function
    - change center of view rotation by MMB click, then MMB drag
    - alt-drag smart mates
    - move/rotate parts with more control using handles
    - limit and gear mates
    - new ways to create drawings and assemblies from open documents
    - new "view dependencies" function
    - disolve assembly component pattern
    - new mold tools

    As far as stability goes, I only had 3 crashes during about 6 weeks
    of testing, and that's not because I didn't use it much, I was in
    the top 5 reseller testers. I did a couple of small projects in 04
    and found the workflow with it to be an improvement.

    What are the downsides? Well, I'm not supposed to say what the
    downsides are, so I will. The new mold tools hold promise for the
    future, but may not be much help in the present. I wasn't able to
    get any usable results from the new deform tool. I also wasn't
    happy about the customized menus still showing up with the arrows at
    the bottom, but that's more personal than anything.

    Overall, this release IS something special. My favorite new
    features are weldments, mates and moving parts in assembly, and the
    new color/material interface.

    matt, Aug 13, 2003
  6. Dennis

    Deri Jones Guest

    Thanks for the good feedback - from a couple of hours play, it seems a
    decent development on 03 - drawings seem useably faster and more intuitive.
    Weldments seem useable and will have a decent effect on the workflow I do
    and cutting lists and the new BOM seem sensible (reserving judgement!).
    What is the general consensus on stability of SW2004 PR1? Is it better or
    worse than SW2003 at the release? I'm itching to get going on it, but
    waiting for braver souls than me to find the real nasties!
    Deri Jones, Aug 13, 2003
  7. Dennis

    Jeff Norfolk Guest


    By your simple statement I can only come with two conclusions: A)you work
    for a competitive CAD reseller or B)you skimmed the 'What's New' manual and
    determined that 2004 hardly adds any value.
    Welp, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and here's mine. Instead of
    posting useless information spend little effort next time and explain why
    you think 2004 is "nothing special". For me, 2004 is of great value as I now
    am able to work on my large assemblies without running into resource issues
    or other bizarre crashes. Didn't find that in the ol' what's new did ya?
    But, then again 2004 doesn't automatically do my work for me, so I guess it
    really is nothing special.
    Jeff Norfolk, Aug 14, 2003
  8. Dennis

    Nick E. Guest

    Deri Jones quipped:

    i do like being able to apply a thread "texture" to a screw (copied from
    Ironcad, btw). I do wish it would show up in the drawing tho. :(

    that's all i've had time to play with so far (like 15 minutes).

    first impressions:
    -not sure i like the new, big buttons
    -don't like the color gradient in the history window---hard to read
    -the graphics look much worse:
    even in a part, the disply quality is crappy. black lines, colors of
    surfaces just look bad. Am I missing a setting somewhere to make it look
    like 2001+? (I can provide side-by-side screenshots if anyone wants to
    -I see they *finally* fixed the bug where your skin kept reverting to the
    default if you ever went to Document Settings. (tho it does still seem

    REALLY bad thing tho:
    SW2004 is the default for opening existing SW files. There should either be
    a warning to the user, or an option asking the user if they want to use the
    existing SW install as the default for opening SW files. Just asking for

    --nick e.
    Nick E., Aug 14, 2003
  9. Dennis

    Nick E. Guest

    Arlin quipped:
    are you referring to each part/sub-assy having a "Mategroup1" below it?
    (like I said i only played with it for like 15 minutes so far)

    --nick e.
    Nick E., Aug 14, 2003
  10. Dennis

    matt Guest

    so turn them off.
    guess what? you can turn that off too

    It's aparent you got to all the really important things.

    I'll bet you complained when they paved the street by your house 50 years
    matt, Aug 14, 2003
  11. Dennis

    Nick E. Guest

    matt quipped:
    look at the rest of my post, buttwad. I only got a chance to LOOK at the
    friggin' thing. Spent most of THAT time looking for how to make the
    graphics look better. All I got a chance to do was look thru the frigging
    options. and apply a texture to a screw.

    and NO SHIT I can change the look-n-feel of it. Jesus Tap-dancing Christ,
    lighten up. If you want me to rip the thing, gimme a few weeks to see how
    it handles my large assemblies.

    piss off, ya ****-nut.

    --nick e.

    p.s. apparent has 2 P's, btw.

    p.p.s. yeah I know i'm over-reacting, but it's fucking late and I don't like
    your sarcastic attitude at the moment.
    Nick E., Aug 14, 2003
  12. Open an assembly and expand the feature tree of one of the components.
    Near the top, you will see a folder named 'Mates in [top level

    This folder contains the mates also shown in 'View Dependances.'
    Arlin Sandbulte, Aug 14, 2003
  13. Dennis

    Rob Guest

    From what I have seen using Pre release 1 on a sepearate project for
    the last week , 2004 is massively different and better.

    We work in meatal fabrications and the big one for is is the

    also the drawings have a some nice features.

    If you have assembly drawings with lots of parts, autoballoon is

    makes a half jour job instant!!

    I think there is a significant change in this release, the biggest
    change I have seen, been using since SW99

    Dont take anyones word for it, try it and see!
    Rob, Aug 14, 2003
  14. Dennis

    matt Guest


    You're very welcome, Nicky. I get equally testy with people who open their
    mouths before they open their eyes.

    matt, Aug 14, 2003
  15. Lighten up, guys, it's only software. No reason to get all jacked out of

    Samuel Smith's Nut Brown Ale is the best beer in the world. Now that ought
    to start some real arguments.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    Jerry Steiger, Aug 14, 2003
  16. Dennis

    Chris Guest

    Not bad. Howsabout:

    Old Speckled Hen (UK)
    St Peters Ale (UK, organic)

    Gordon's Scotch Ale (Scotland, but obviously only available in Belgium)
    Chimay Blue (Belgium)
    Goudenband (sp?) (Belgium)
    Kasteel (Belge)
    Lots more Belge beers

    Kloster Andechs Doppelbock (sp again) (Germany)
    Any beer served in a Biergarten to accompany Braetsel and cream cheese.


    Chris, Aug 14, 2003
  17. Dennis

    Ben Eadie Guest

    Two things one the best beer here in Canada is from Big Rock brewery and the
    best beer in the world is Zuber in the Czech Republic...
    Ben Eadie, Aug 14, 2003
  18. Dennis

    bob zee Guest

    bob z. just ordered some supplies to brew his own beer. bob z. likes beer.
    lots of it.

    bob z.
    p.s. check this out if you are interested - rec.crafts.brewing

    "people with less brain power than you are doing more difficult things
    bob zee, Aug 14, 2003
  19. Dennis

    Deri Jones Guest

    1.A pint of 80 shilling from the Caledonian brewery tasting rooms in
    Edinburgh - heaven in a pint glass
    2. A pint from the brewery in Greymouth, New Zealand - can't remember the
    name, but a bloody good brewery!
    3. Agree on the Belgian beers - they have a very healthy attitude to the
    4. Sierra Ale (can't remember the exact name) - a fine beer to kick back in
    Yosemite with.
    5. Old Peculiar (Yorkshire, England) - drunk at the Old Dungeon Ghyll in
    Langdale - 'tis indeed peculiar!
    Deri Jones, Aug 14, 2003
  20. Matt,

    My opinion of you just dropped significantly - due to your degrading remarks
    - totally uncalled for, IMHO.
    Jerry Forcier
    Jerry Forcier, Aug 14, 2003
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