Advanced Design Table Presentation (by Matt Lombard)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by TinMan, May 28, 2004.

  1. TinMan

    TinMan Guest


    We went thru your PowerPoint Presentation today at our Users Group
    Meeting and found a lot of useful info. in there. Thanks for all the
    effort and for sharing it with all of us.


    We ran out of time for a discussion afterward the meeting tho. One
    question(s) I really wanted to ask everyone there was
    what/when/why/how do they apply Design Tables and under what
    situations? I use them mainly for:

    -Part Configurations, suppressing features in a "simplified"
    -Assembly Configurations, either hide/show or suppressing components,
    or for showing motion.
    -If I have a family style part like a set screw that I can get a lot
    of similiar, but varying configurations defined by the DT.
    -If I have some features that I want to be related, but find it too
    difficult to create those relations geometrically.

    What does everybody else out there use them for?

    TinMan, May 28, 2004
  2. Mainly part configurations for routing componente.
    Jesper Davidsen, Jun 2, 2004
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