ADT2005 Service Patch 1 errors out with 1602 code

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Reid M. Addis, Jan 7, 2005.

  1. Okay, I know why this is happening. What I need is a solution.
    Here's the deal:
    1. 45 user Network license of ADT2005, software installed through NIW to
    each workstation.
    2. Content, Menus, plot configs, etc., stored on a Read-Only network drive

    The 1602 error occurs for 2 reasons:
    1. Someone else is using ADT2005 and/or
    2. The user I'm trying to update doesn't have write privileges to the
    network drive.

    What this means is:
    1. I have to do patching before or after work hours when NO ONE is using the
    2. I have to get the IT guys to grant write privileges to users that I don't
    want to have these privileges.

    Honestly, I'd like to wring the BOZO's neck at Autodesk who came up with

    Short of that, does anyone have a way for me to apply this patch during
    normal working hours under normal working conditions. I've already tried
    creating a profile that points only to local folders on the C: drive, but
    that doesn't work either.


    Reid M. Addis
    Registered Architect
    Architectural Applications Specialist
    Granary Associates
    411 North 20th Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19130
    Ph. 215-665-7056
    Reid M. Addis, Jan 7, 2005
  2. Hi Reid,

    Have you taken a look at the recent %temp%\*.log files? There should be an
    install log that gives more information about which files failed to be
    written. Also, it seems that 1602 is a more generic "User canceled" type
    error... The log file should have another MSI error code just before that
    one that may give you a better clue.

    Have you tried temporarily giving that user write access to your content
    folder, or applying the service pack logged in as a user that already has
    access? It doesnt matter which user applies the service pack.

    Also, it's possible that after the specific network files have been updated
    once, it may not need write access a second time. I've seen it happen
    before... You might get lucky. :)

    I assume you have seen this?

    Chris Dodge [Microdesk], Jan 10, 2005
  3. Thanks Chris.
    I'll check out the link.
    This is definitely an Autodesk screw up that they need to fix. Users MUST
    have write privileges AND no one else may have networked shared files open
    in order to patch the product. This is, of course, impossible to achieve
    during normal business hours!

    Reid M. Addis
    Registered Architect
    Architectural Applications Specialist
    Granary Associates
    411 North 20th Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19130
    Ph. 215-665-7056
    Reid M. Addis, Jan 10, 2005
  4. After looking at the link:
    Yeah! Well, DUH!
    Of course this is exactly the problem. Doesn't take genius to figure it out.
    I need a solution!

    1. There is NO REASON my users need write access to these network files. I
    DON'T want them to be able to change them.
    2. There is absolutely NO REASON why either during the initial install or
    patches that these files would need to be accessed. There is no code beyond
    menus, pgp files, etc.

    Reid M. Addis
    Registered Architect
    Architectural Applications Specialist
    Granary Associates
    411 North 20th Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19130
    Ph. 215-665-7056
    Reid M. Addis, Jan 10, 2005
  5. Could this be your problem/solution? (From the sp1 readme)

    "None of your customized files should be affected by this patch. However, if
    you are using a file that has a date earlier than the date of the file
    originally installed by ADT 2005, it will be replaced. For example, if you
    have simply copied acad.pgp from ADT 2004, it will have a modified date that
    is before the release of ADT 2005 and will be replaced. To avoid this issue,
    simply re-save the customized file, which will give it a later date, thus
    preventing its replacement.
    Note that any files which have been removed (or moved) after the original
    installation will be restored by this patch."

    So the trick may be to make the patch think that it doesnt need to update
    the in-use or read-only files. To find out which files, take a look at the
    MSI log file. You might need to enable all the options in the windows
    installer logging policy to give you a more detailed log file. Post it
    here if you need further help.

    Chris Dodge [Microdesk], Jan 11, 2005
  6. Hey Chris,
    Where would the log file be stored? And, what would it be called?

    Also, what files ARE patched? If I have a successful patch on one machine,
    why can't I just copy those to ALL the machines?

    Reid M. Addis
    Registered Architect
    Architectural Applications Specialist
    Granary Associates
    411 North 20th Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19130
    Ph. 215-665-7056
    Reid M. Addis, Jan 11, 2005
  7. The readme for the service pack lists all the files updated. However, it
    doesnt have their full paths listed, and I *suspect* there are more ADT
    specific content related files that are not listed. I could be wrong.

    Type %TEMP% in an explorer address to get to the real temp folder for the
    current user. It will be the largest *.log file that was generated near
    the time of the error message. Might be ADT.LOG or MSIxxx.log.

    Chris Dodge [Microdesk], Jan 11, 2005
  8. They dont look quite right... the correct file will reference the 1602

    ADT 2005.log I think. check %TEMP% folder and sort by date.
    Chris Dodge [Microdesk], Jan 11, 2005
  9. That's what I did.
    These were the latest files created. Did you look all the way down?
    Seems to cover ADT2005 towards the bottom half of the file.
    I'll check again.


    Reid M. Addis
    Registered Architect
    Architectural Applications Specialist
    Granary Associates
    411 North 20th Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19130
    Ph. 215-665-7056
    Reid M. Addis, Jan 11, 2005
  10. Enable full logging, reboot. run the setup and look in the temp folder

    I'm sure it will be an ADT 2005.log, and the top of the file should look
    like this:

    === Verbose logging started

    Find the 1602 error, then slowly scan UP the log file for other errors.
    You may be able to track down the specific file that it fails on.
    My guess would be an ADT DWT template file.

    Might want to zip it, it can get pretty large.
    Chris Dodge [Microdesk], Jan 11, 2005
  11. Cool!
    Now, here's another question.
    Would there be something I could change in a "Profile" that would point to
    this file somewhere else that is read/write capable?
    I used an NIW for software installation, and tried creating a profile that
    pointed to only local folders on the c: drive, but that didn't work.

    Reid M. Addis
    Registered Architect
    Architectural Applications Specialist
    Granary Associates
    411 North 20th Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19130
    Ph. 215-665-7056
    Reid M. Addis, Jan 13, 2005
  12. A few quick thoughts...

    - Open acad and reload the ADT menu from the local drive before running the
    service pack update...
    Options > Files > Menu, help > Menu file

    - Or maybe it uses this reg key? Try changing the path to ADT.DLL, and
    reapply sp.

    - There could be another "Installer" registry key that keeps track of where
    ADT.DLL was -originally- installed to, so thats why changes to the current
    users profile wouldnt help... If this was the case, it would be under
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE... I may get a chance to dig a bit more later.

    Chris Dodge [Microdesk], Jan 13, 2005
  13. Chris:
    1.Changing the menu file AND adt.dll location doesn't help.
    2. You must have a non-network install like me. A network install does NOT
    have a
    bFiles\\Files key. It ends at the level.
    3. Even with that said, a registry search on my station for ADT.DLL only
    turns up a setting for ADT2004. Nothing for ADT2005.

    Other thoughts?

    Reid M. Addis
    Registered Architect
    Architectural Applications Specialist
    Granary Associates
    411 North 20th Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19130
    Ph. 215-665-7056
    Reid M. Addis, Jan 14, 2005
  14. Perhaps this has to be fixed in the original MSI or MSP patch file. You
    would have to use a program like Microsoft Orca or Installshield to edit the
    file. It's not for the faint of heart!

    From an older thread of yours (search on 1602) I see that it will be fixed
    for the next service pack.

    In the future, consider leaving the ADT.* files on each local drive in their
    original location. Toolbar customization should *generally* be done in, which can be left on the network. If you have made
    modifications to ADT.MN?, then maybe try leaving only ADT.DLL on the local
    drive the next time around. I'm not sure this will work... The DLL may
    have to be in the SAME folder as the menu files, not elsewhere in the search

    I assume you don't have administrative rights to be able to kill the open
    file handles of ADT.DLL from the server? I still think that trick I
    suggested before may work.

    Otherwise, I guess it's back to staying up past your bed time in order to
    get the service packs installed? That's why they pay you the big bucks,
    right? :)

    Chris Dodge [Microdesk], Jan 18, 2005
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