ADT - Windows don't clip walls

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by truthbeacon, Jul 6, 2006.

  1. truthbeacon

    truthbeacon Guest

    I am having an issue in ADT 2006, where when I insert a window, it
    won't clip the wall in plan unless the window has a 0" sill. I
    remember that there used to be the ability to change the height at
    which plan clips occured, but I have forgotten that command etc...

    Could someone please tell me how to restore the clip height so it will
    clip the wall in plan where there are windows?

    truthbeacon, Jul 6, 2006
  2. truthbeacon

    sakoguy Guest

    There never was a "command" in ADT to set the clip plane. You have to
    adjust the Display Properties of the wall type that you are using in
    your model. Some training in ADT might be appropriate.

    Daryl Stockton
    sakoguy, Jul 10, 2006
  3. truthbeacon

    truthbeacon Guest

    Believe me I know ADT thoroughly

    There was a way to do it through command line, I remembered (after
    posting this) how to use all of the crappy slow-dumb-person icons and
    eyecandy crap, but what is the command sequence?
    truthbeacon, Jul 11, 2006
  4. If you found the icons, I'd suggest "editing" the toolbar to see what
    command is being called by the icon. After that, look in help for the
    options, or run the command line version to see what it accepts.

    The tone of your last post isn't likely to induce anyone here to help.
    Many of us prefer to use toolbars, and consider ourselves to be neither
    slow nor dumb.

    Martin Shoemaker, Jul 11, 2006
  5. truthbeacon

    truthbeacon Guest

    It was a snide remark directed at the original person who replied
    insinuating that I was some newbie or unknowledgable.

    Riddle me this:

    IF this were an entity based issue rather than a global or even
    per-drawing glitch as the first reply seemed insistent upon, then why
    would the same walls show the proper clip-line heights when x-ref'd
    into another drawing?
    truthbeacon, Jul 13, 2006
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