ADT 2005 plotting error - HELP!

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by lmref, Jan 31, 2005.

  1. lmref

    lmref Guest

    I'm trying to plot to my design jet 800 and getting the following error:

    Job: - Error(s) Did Not Plot

    Job ID: 1
    Sheet set name:
    Date and time started: 1/30/2005 10:19:38 PM
    Date and time completed: 1/30/2005 10:19:39 PM
    Profile ID: Architectural Desktop - Imperial
    Total sheets: 1
    Sheets plotted: 0
    Number of errors: 1
    Number of warnings: 0

    Sheet: - Error(s) Did Not Plot

    File: FLOOR PLAN_R1.dwg
    Category name:
    Page setup:
    Device name: HP DesignJet 800 24 by HP
    Plot file path:
    Paper size: Arch D - 24 x 36 in.

    ERROR: Graphics Not Generated


    lmref, Jan 31, 2005
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