adobe custom paper size ?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by BenC, Feb 22, 2005.

  1. BenC

    BenC Guest

    In creating pdf file, I use oversize A0 paper size for most of the drawings. Because of the space between the 'oversize' and 'A0', I could not use script to plot drawings to pdf format. Have tried and could not find a way to create a custom paper size with a paper size name without a space in between.
    Any idea is appreciated.
    BenC, Feb 22, 2005
  2. BenC

    The Real JD Guest

    Not sure why the naming of the sheet is stopping your scripting. I've used a
    custom PC3 file for acrobat that has a custom sheetsize as the default. Then
    i save my plot configurations into a pagesetup. Then use the batch plot
    utility to plot all the drawings i need & i reference that page setup for
    the plot configuration. It works great. I just batch plotted 104 (A1 size)
    drawings yesterday using autocad 2000i & acrobat 5. it took about 15
    The Real JD, Feb 22, 2005
  3. BenC

    BenC Guest

    How did you get this custom pc3 for acrobat that let you create a custom sheet size ? I have tried modify the acobat pc3 with a custom sheet size without success. The default sheet size other than a few such as 'letter', 'legal' ...., most of the large size name have a space in between, such 'arch E' , 'oversize A0'...... I guess you know that a space in script is like a keyboard 'return'. That would mess up the script.
    BenC, Feb 22, 2005
  4. BenC

    The Real JD Guest

    i created a PMP file and filtered out sheet sizes I didn't need and created
    a custom sheet size under the "custom properties" for the PC3. it works
    fine... a sample of your script might help with giving some other
    The Real JD, Feb 24, 2005
  5. BenC

    BenC Guest

    Sorry JD, I have posted the same kind of topic at the 'customizing' group. There you can find out the script and my problems.
    Thanks again for your reply.

    BenC, Feb 25, 2005
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