Adobe 7 crashes

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bruce Sheldon, Mar 12, 2005.

  1. I've been trying to use the "Convert to PDF" option after installing Acrobat
    7 using AutoCAD 2005 and some files work but others crash AutoCAD BAD.
    Sometimes AutoCAD simply disappears with no warning, sometimes the Microsoft
    "send an error" message occurs. Usually I can "plot" the PDF, but I don't
    want a PDF plot, I want to extract text and layer information to a PDF which
    only the "Convert" option allows. Any ideas on what's happening? I
    searched this whole forum and did not see any info on the subject.

    Bruce Sheldon, Mar 12, 2005
  2. Dean,

    I'd love to, except I've searched all over trying to find such a newsgroup
    and cannot. I've searched, used Copernic looking for any
    newsgroup for Acrobat 7.

    Do you have an address for this discussion forum?

    Bruce Sheldon, Mar 12, 2005
  3. Bruce Sheldon

    Paul Turvill Guest

    You must not have searched very hard. If you type "adobe forum" in a Google
    search, you'll get a screenful. The first two are links to the "official"
    Adobe Forums.
    Paul Turvill, Mar 12, 2005
  4. Yeah, well, it's all in the keywords you use. Sorry to disappoint you.
    Bruce Sheldon, Mar 12, 2005
  5. LOL? Glad you are amused.
    Bruce Sheldon, Mar 13, 2005
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