Admin Director and BEFORECMD

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by joshua.mongan, Mar 15, 2005.

  1. I have two batch files created, one that does a complete hands free
    uninstall of SW and one that installs some add in, regitry settings,

    In the admin directory "client options" file you can run and programs

    The problem is when you use the BEFORECMD, it only wait about 10
    seconds then starts the SolidWorks install. I want my batch file that
    uninstalls everything and cleans out the registry to finish before the
    SW install begins.

    Anyone know how to make the SW install wait until the batch command ran
    from BEFORECMD finishes?
    joshua.mongan, Mar 15, 2005
  2. Try using "start /wait command.exe". That tells windows to wait for
    the program to finish. For example, if you go to a command prompt and
    Then notepad will start and you have the command prompt available
    again. But if you type:
    start /wait notepad
    Then the command prompt will wait on notepad to close.

    Jonathan Anderson
    Jonathan Anderson, Mar 15, 2005
  3. The BEFORECMD command is in a .ini file which is called out by and HTML
    file that is created by the admin director. I tried the start/wait in
    there but it did not work.

    Thanks for your input.
    joshua.mongan, Mar 15, 2005
  4. joshua.mongan

    pete Guest

    The old dos one, used to be pause, not completely hands free, but almost.
    pete, Mar 15, 2005
  5. Pete,

    I dont want to use pause. I would like to be able to pause the batch
    file until the SW install finished, but I think that may just be
    outside of the scope of a batch file.

    joshua.mongan, Mar 15, 2005
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