Adjustable angled plane

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by kareninventress, Feb 16, 2007.

  1. Will someone please provide me with a step by step sequence to make an
    angled plane? I am using Solidworks 2006, and for some reason the help
    file does not give me the proper sequence. If I select the top plane,
    then ctrl select the right plane, now I have two planes perpendicular
    to one another, then go insert, reference geometry, plane,and select
    the axis, (and the axis is displayed in yellow), used to rotate one
    of the planes to the angle I want, I do not get the angle option box
    in the design tree.
    kareninventress, Feb 16, 2007
  2. kareninventress

    j Guest

    In order to make an angled plane you need to pick one plane and one EDGE
    for the "hinge" of the angle
    j, Feb 16, 2007

  3. You also can use a plane and a SKETCH LINE for the "hinge"

    Michael Eckstein, Feb 16, 2007
  4. Thank you for your help. I was able to get the sketched line
    technique working ok. I am still struggling with the one plane, one
    edge technique, but I am in hopes to get it as well after awhile.
    kareninventress, Feb 16, 2007
  5. Thank you, I was able to get the technique using the drawn pivot line
    to work ok, I am in hopes of getting the "one plane, one edge"
    technique to work as well, I hope.
    kareninventress, Feb 16, 2007
  6. Karen,
    E-mail me and I will send you the numbers you need to reach my FTP
    dump site, where I have put an audio/video tutorial for you on 4
    methods to create planes perpendicular to a curved line, tilting
    planes, and also the "one edge one plane" technique that you seem to
    be a little shaky on. It is 16MGB in size and of the .avi format. If
    you have Broadband, it shouldn't take you very long to D/L.

    Good luck,
    G. De Angelis
    De Angelis Tool
    Valhalla Grafix
    G. De Angelis, Feb 17, 2007
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