Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by x2twlutz, Jul 8, 2004.

  1. x2twlutz

    x2twlutz Guest

    I have been receiving the following blocks ADE_TEMP_BLOCK_## since upgrading
    to MAP 6. Although, there is a technical document (TS65419) that tells of
    the situation it does not offer much insight.

    The issue is that these blocks are different than what were in the original
    drawing. It seems to be 'randomly' using other blocks in the place of the
    original block that was inserted in the 14 based MAP.

    Does anyone have any information on how/why these are being created?
    If so, do you have information on how to work around it other than the
    suggested Autodesk TS?

    x2twlutz, Jul 8, 2004
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