Additional Installations

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by gdean, Jan 24, 2005.

  1. gdean

    gdean Guest

    installed a version of CAD on my laptop. Then, per the "Software License Agreement" section 3.1.2 (ii) w/ emphasis on (b). I went to install the same copy of CAD onto my main workstation. When attempting to activate the second installed copy using the activation code from the first install I received an error. I went back and selected "Register and Activate". It then immediately told me that it had been registered, bypassing the information entering screens. This time it gave me a second and totally different activation code.

    Is this something that could potentially cause a problem down the road? Shouldn't I have just one activation code per licensed version of AutoCAD? If so what should I do to resolve the problem? If my station dies and I need to load CAD onto a new station, shouldn't I just be able to enter the activation code that I recieved from registering the product the first time?
    gdean, Jan 24, 2005
  2. Hi gdean,

    You are correct in the way you read that section of the license agreement - you are entitled to install your software on a second machine as long as both machines are owned by you or under your control, and the software is not used at the same time on both machines (i.e. used concurrently).

    However, you do need an individual activation for both machines - these activation codes are tied to the machine for which they are issued and cannot be used on another machine.

    This will not cause any issues down the road.

    If your workstation dies, and you need to reinstall on another, new machine, you may need to contact our activations service center if you fail to retrieve an activation code on the new machine. If it is clear that you're not trying to install on many different machines, you'll have no problem getting an activation code and using your software.

    Best regards,

    Jules Brenner
    AutoCAD Licensing Product Management.
    JulesB [Autodesk], Jan 25, 2005
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