Additional Hatch Patterns for Idiots (ACAD 2005) ?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Eigensinn, Sep 28, 2004.

  1. Eigensinn

    Eigensinn Guest

    Didn't get any response to my query about migrating the ACAD.PAT file
    so trying again:

    How do I go about adding more hatch patterns to AutoCAD 2005 ?

    I tried simply replacing the stock acad.pat file that came with ACAD
    2005 with the acad.pat file from my old ACAD2000 which had about 10x
    more patterns) but when I run the program, it doesn't give me the
    additional patterns in the dialogue box.

    What's the secret? (And why did AutoDesk make it so difficult to do ?)

    Thanks in advance for taking the time to help.
    Eigensinn, Sep 28, 2004
  2. The acad.pat file in which folder did you replace?

    Jürgen Palme, Sep 28, 2004
  3. In earlier versions, this is one of the most FAQ. "How do I get
    my new hatch pattern to show up in the dialogue with the others?"

    It was never easy, and I never got around to it because it's not that
    important to me.
    I don't know if it has been made any easier in 2005, but it used to involve
    fooling around with a slide library (for me, the hard part),
    as well as editing the acad.pat (the easy part).

    It would be appreciated my by many, including me, if someone who knows how
    to do this would
    spell it out in a document and post it on the web.....
    In the mean time what I do with custom patterns is invoke them as such, by
    in the dialogue. I also have a dwg with samples of my various custom
    patterns in "swatches"
    above their names. It's clumsy, but I don't hatch that much.....
    Michael Bulatovich, Sep 28, 2004
  4. Eigensinn

    Eigensinn Guest


    I put the replacement pattern file here:

    E:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2005\UserDataCache\Support\acad.pat

    As mentioned, it didn't have any effect.

    An "Alan" in the UK contacted me off-line (thanks Alan) and mentioned
    that he'll check the correct path once he gets to the office.
    Eigensinn, Sep 28, 2004
  5. That's the wrong place. You must go to
    \Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD

    May be your path sounds a little different, I don't have an english version
    of OS. Additional you can do a search for the correct file (Window search


    I put the replacement pattern file here:

    E:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2005\UserDataCache\Support\acad.pat
    Jürgen Palme, Sep 28, 2004
  6. Thanks for that! I think I saw this before, but my eyes glazed over
    around the point where it said "open an MS-DOS window" ; ]
    I really disliked that OS, and was a Mac-head back then.

    Michael Bulatovich, Sep 28, 2004
  7. Eigensinn

    Eigensinn Guest

    Thanks Jürgen. Mission successful.

    For some reason, when I was stumbling around on my own prior to your
    assistance, the Windows Explorer file search function did not reveal
    the location that you mentioned.

    My [YourUserName] subdirectory was hidden from view as well.
    Not sure how I managed to unhide it but it doen't matter because the
    enhanced acad.pat function is now operational; thanks to you.

    Have a snort of brandy on me. Hell, make that a whole bottle.
    Eigensinn, Sep 28, 2004
  8. Eigensinn

    B. W. Salt. Guest

    I think your problem is revealed in the 'Help' files on hatch patterns and
    displaying them. This is from R14, not 2005, but I guess something similar

    "The pattern images are stored in slide files in the acad.slb slide
    library file. If you customize acad.pat, you must also update acad.slb."

    So I reckon you must also transfer the acad.slb from one to the other,
    hoping that the R2000 and R2004 formats are the same :-((
    B. W. Salt., Sep 29, 2004
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