Addins don't work with 2007

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by yawdro, Oct 4, 2006.

  1. yawdro

    yawdro Guest

    I wrote an add-in while my company was on SW2006 that saves a pdf file
    when a drawing is saved to a certain directory. Worked great. When we
    upgraded to 2007, we just did an upgrade to existing installations.
    The add-in still works long as you had it installed with a
    sw2006 installation. I ended up having to uninstall SW completely and
    then reinstall 2007 as a fresh install. Since I did that, I can't load
    my add-in DLL. I get an error that says "Unable to initialize the
    Add-in Component"
    I've worked with my reseller's tech-support and they took it to
    Solidworks API support and I still haven't heard any conclusions to the
    issue. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this or if
    anyone has a way to fix it.
    I've verified that I have write access to my "temp" directory in the
    system variables and I've verified that the VBA folders exist.

    yawdro, Oct 4, 2006
  2. yawdro

    Bill Briggs Guest

    Try this, it worked for me,

    Hello Bill,

    If your AddIn is a C# or VB.NET AddIn, then you should be able to use:

    regasm /codebase filename.dll

    This will register the AddIn for SW. Be sure to use the /codebase
    option as this will help SW to locate the AddIn.



    Note: you can find the regasm.exe file with a search of your os drive,
    use the latest one. you will probably need the full path so drag and
    drop the regasm file onto your Run command line (Start Menu > Run).
    Also, you will most likely need the full path of your dll so drag and
    drop it onto the line as well.

    Bill Briggs
    Bill Briggs, Oct 4, 2006
  3. yawdro

    slowhand Guest

    My reseller got a SPR# for this problem. It's not fixed in SP1.
    slowhand, Oct 8, 2006
  4. yawdro

    TOP Guest

    See the thread entitled:

    SW 2007 Upgrade

    especially item 2 in my post.

    TOP, Oct 8, 2006
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