Adding Unfrag to right click

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Olaf Diegel, Jan 30, 2005.

  1. Olaf Diegel

    Olaf Diegel Guest

    Hi All,

    Just got a new laptop and want to add Unfrag to the right-click options in
    explorer like I had on my previous machine.

    Somebody posted the method to do this a few years back but I can't quite
    remember it. I thought I had the tip stored somewhere but cant seem to find

    Any help appreciated.

    Olaf Diegel, Jan 30, 2005
  2. Olaf Diegel

    Sporkman Guest

    Steve Tietz posted the tip in April of 2003. It went like this:

    Here is a trick I have been using for quite some time for a right click
    menu of ecosqueeze
    This came from some help from the maker of ecosqueeze -- however has
    been tweaked
    alittle from his original suggestion to allow for all three options.

    Create the below registry file to add three new right mouse button
    the menus will allow users to right mouse click on a drive or directory
    they wish to reduce the file sizes of & choose ecosqueeze. This saves
    users from having to browse for the path to the directory.

    Cut & paste of the registry file:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\EcoCom\\EcoSqueeze\\EcoSqueeze\" /p:%1 /s /r /t
    /v /e:*.sld*;*.do*;*.xl*"

    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\EcoCom\\EcoSqueeze\\EcoSqueeze\" /p:%1 /s /r /t
    /v /e:*.sld*;*.do*;*.xl*"

    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\EcoSqueeze Remove Display
    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\EcoCom\\EcoSqueeze\\EcoSqueeze\" /p:%1 /s /r /t
    /v /L /e:*.sld*;*.do*;*.xl*"

    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\EcoSqueeze Remove Preview\command]
    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\EcoCom\\EcoSqueeze\\EcoSqueeze\" /p:%1 /s /r /t
    /v /i /e:*.sld*;*.do*;*.xl*"


    to recreate reg file copy & paste the above into a next text file &
    save. Then rename the text file to Ecoqueeze.reg, then double click it.

    I also use a modified shortcut Icon to allow drag & drop functionality
    as the above reg
    file only works when rmb clicking on a drive or directory. so this new
    desktop icon
    can be used as a drag & drop target. by simply dragging a single file
    from its current
    location ontop of this icon then ecosqueeze will work only on that
    particular file from its
    current location.

    To modify the shortcut icon:
    1. right click the icon & go to properties
    2. then cut & paste the below into the TARGET line
    "C:\Program Files\EcoCom\EcoSqueeze\EcoSqueeze.exe"

    Hope this helps someone

    Steve Tietz
    Sporkman, Jan 30, 2005
  3. Olaf Diegel

    Olaf Diegel Guest

    Thanks Sporky,

    Found the following little script, specifically for Unfrag, shortly after
    posting... Here it is in case anyone needs it.

    Just save to a text file and rename it to unfrag.reg and then double click




    @="C:\\Program files\\Unfrag\\Unfrag.exe \"%1\" /R /C"

    @="Unfrag incl. Subfolders"

    @="C:\\Program files\\Unfrag\\Unfrag.exe \"%1\" /S /R /C"


    @="C:\\Program files\\Unfrag\\Unfrag.exe \"%1\" /R /C"


    @="C:\\Program files\\Unfrag\\Unfrag.exe \"%1\" /R /C"


    @="C:\\Program files\\Unfrag\\Unfrag.exe \"%1\" /R /C"

    Olaf Diegel, Jan 30, 2005
  4. Olaf Diegel

    Olaf Diegel Guest

    Thank Arto,
    Much appreciated.
    Best regards

    Olaf Diegel, Feb 1, 2005
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