Adding Multiple supprt paths?? Help

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Chris Chiles, Feb 11, 2005.

  1. Chris Chiles

    Chris Chiles Guest

    I have search the newsgroups all over and found alot of very helpful info.
    What I have so far works - with one support path. I need to add about 6.

    Here's what I have from the info I found:

    (defun addSupportPath (dir pos / tmp c lst)
    (setq tmp ""
    c -1
    (member (strcase dir)
    (setq lst (mapcar 'strcase (strParse (getenv "ACAD") ";")))
    (if (not pos)
    (setq tmp (strcat (getenv "ACAD") ";" dir))
    (mapcar '(lambda (x)
    (setq tmp (if (= (setq c (1+ c)) pos)
    (strcat tmp ";" dir ";" x)
    (strcat tmp ";" x)
    (setenv "ACAD" tmp)

    I have this lisp in my "lisp" folder

    br>;;; (StrParse Str Delimiter)
    ;;; Parses a delimited string into a list
    ;;; Str String to parse
    ;;; Delimiter Delimiter to search for
    ;;; Returns:
    ;;; A list strings.
    ;;; ex:
    ;;; (setq a "Harp,Guiness,Black and Tan")
    ;;; (StrParse a ",")
    ;;; returns:
    ;;; ("Harp" "Guiness" "Black and Tan")
    br>;;; See Also: (StringToList)
    ;;;---------------------------------------------------------- --------
    (defun strParse (Str Delimiter / SearchStr StringLen return n char)
    (setq SearchStr Str)
    (setq StringLen (strlen SearchStr))
    (setq return '())

    (while (> StringLen 0)
    (setq n 1)
    (setq char (substr SearchStr 1 1))
    (while (and (/= char Delimiter) (/= char ""))
    (setq n (1+ n))
    (setq char (substr SearchStr n 1))
    ) ;_ end of while
    (setq return (cons (substr SearchStr 1 (1- n)) return))
    (setq SearchStr (substr SearchStr (1+ n) StringLen))
    (setq StringLen (strlen SearchStr))
    ) ;_ end of while
    (reverse return)
    ) ;_ end of defun

    (load "addsupportpath.lsp")
    (addSupportPath "c:\\myFolder" 2)

    All that works Great - But I can't figure out how to add more than one path
    to "supportpathlist.lsp". Can anyone help me?

    Chris Chiles, Feb 11, 2005
  2. Chris Chiles

    TomD Guest

    You may get more help on lisp in the customization group.

    Here's one I've had laying around for some time. All I can tell you is that
    it works. I would not suggest that it is the best solution. I can't
    remember where I got this, exactly, though I think it was part of the
    AutoDesk stuff (maybe from "bonus tools"), circa R14.

    ;Nested function, adds 'dir' argument to AutoCAD search
    ;path if not already present.
    ;Returns the AutoCAD search path if the dir argument was added or nil if
    (defun add_path ( dir / a b c)
    (if (and dir
    (setq c (getenv "ACAD"))
    ;prepare to look for 'dir' within the AutoCAD search path
    (setq a (strcase c)
    b (strcase dir)
    ;;Removed by TLD 1/98 - WHY WOULD YOU ADD A ; AT THE FRONT OF ACAD
    ; (if (not (equal ";" (substr a 1 1)))
    ; (setq a (strcat ";" a));add a ";" in front of the string if not
    already present
    ; );if

    (if (not (equal ";" (substr a (strlen a) 1)))
    (setq a (strcat a ";")
    c (strcat c ";");add a trailing ";" if not already present
    (if (not (wcmatch a (strcat "*;" b ";*"))) ;is 'dir' already present
    in search path?
    (setq c (strcat c dir));setq
    (setenv "ACAD" c)
    (setq c nil)
    );progn then
    (setq c nil)
    );defun add_path
    TomD, Feb 11, 2005
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