Adding Hole Callout To Feature Pallet Item

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by bob zee, Sep 27, 2003.

  1. bob zee

    bob zee Guest

    is it possible to add some information to the feature pallout item so that
    when in dwg mode, you can hit 'insert hole callout' item and have it read a
    pre-defined bilateral tolerance along with a 'drill' note?

    this is for solidworks 2003. bob z. won't see solidworks 2004 for
    production use till January 1, 2004.
    bob zee, Sep 27, 2003
  2. bob zee

    Sporkman Guest

    I've experimented with it, Bob, and I don't see a way either.
    Sporkman, Sep 30, 2003
  3. bob zee

    bob zee Guest

    thanks, Spork.
    what leads me to this is this: sometimes the 'insert hole callout' command
    doesn't give you the depth hole. whatsupwithdat?!?!?
    we need to tolerance one part of step drilled hole. fun.
    bob z.

    "people with less brain power than you are doing more difficult things
    bob zee, Sep 30, 2003
  4. bob zee

    bob zee Guest

    OH YES!!! How irritating is that?!?!?
    They make it more entertaining when you go to edit that mumbo-jumbo and swx
    gives you the line about breaking the link if you alter the note, blah,
    blah, etc., etc.

    bob zee, Sep 30, 2003
  5. bob zee

    bob zee Guest

    you described exactly what I do. it was kinda hard to break that habit!
    bob zee, Sep 30, 2003
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