adding fillet to assembly? how?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by clay, Mar 30, 2005.

  1. clay

    clay Guest

    Here is a fun one. How would you add a fillet to an edge created from an
    assembly cut, in an assembly. In other words, the parts are machined
    after being assembled, with a ball end mill, and I need to show the
    finished shape with the fillet.

    btw, you can't add a derived part back to the same assembly it was cut
    from, go figure.

    clay, Mar 30, 2005
  2. clay

    dennytrimble Guest

    Don't do an assembly cut, do a cut on one part, then an in-context cut
    on the other.

    Unless, of course, something prevents you from doing this.
    dennytrimble, Mar 30, 2005
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