add support path code problem

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by devon, Jan 6, 2005.

  1. devon

    devon Guest


    I use this code (from these forums) to add support paths to acad over the lan.

    Mu problem is that it keeps adding in the same paths again each time you start acad. Is there a way to add an "if" statement or something so that if the path exists not to add?

    ;----- Start add support path -----
    (defun addsuppath ( / FilesPref suppath)
    (setq FilesPref (vla-get-files(vla-get-preferences
    (vlax-get-acad-object)))) ;Get the PreferencesFiles object with
    (setq suppath (vla-get-supportpath FilesPref)) ;Get the current support path
    (setq suppath (strcat suppath ";" "o:\\Acad\\LIB"));Append the new folder and put string together
    (vlax-put-property filespref "SupportPath" suppath) ;Finally put the new support path in the PreferencesFiles object
    ;(prompt "\nAdditional support paths have been added")
    (vlax-release-object FilesPref) ;release FilesPref
    (vlax-object-released-p FilesPref) ;test for release
    ) ;end of code for addsuppath
    ; End add support path -----

    devon, Jan 6, 2005
  2. devon

    ECCAD Guest

    ECCAD, Jan 6, 2005
  3. devon

    devon Guest


    Thanks for the quick reply, but I can't seem to get it working.
    I am a little confused.

    devon, Jan 6, 2005
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