Add property to instances in a layout

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by bedoune, Feb 15, 2008.

  1. bedoune

    bedoune Guest


    I have a layout with markers (errors !) without property.
    I would like to add a property to each markers, but i don't know how
    to do.
    I used dbCreateProp() but it doesn't work.

    for this job, i don't how to do. May someone give me some tips
    please ?

    Thanks a lot.

    bedoune, Feb 15, 2008
  2. In this code snippet, severity is either "error" or "warning" (it indicates the
    purpose to use for the shape). bBox is the bounding box of the rectangle you
    want to create (i.e. a list of lower left and upper right coordinates of the

    marker=dbCreateRect(obj~>cellView list("marker" severity) bBox)

    The variable reason contains the string that will appear when you do a
    Verify->Explain on the marker. Essentially, having a property XXXXWhy (the
    property name ending with "Why") will specify the explain reason. Also, when you
    do delete markers, it will tell you that there are markers for application XXXX
    (or MYAPP in the above case).

    In IC61, this is easier, because there's the dbCreateMarker function (markers
    are distinct objects in OpenAccess, whereas in CDB they are just shapes on the
    marker/error or marker/warning LPP).


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 15, 2008
  3. bedoune

    bedoune Guest

    Ok, i understand. i modfied my code and it works now ^^v

    thank you very much !


    bedoune, Feb 15, 2008
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