Add Properties to title block, Sheet2

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Monty, Jan 17, 2007.

  1. Monty

    Monty Guest

    I have added the following property to sheet1 of a drawing
    It work correctly.

    When I add it to sheet2, the information it not propagated to sheet2

    Am I missing something?

    Monty, Jan 17, 2007
  2. Did you make the entry for $PRPSHEET:"PartNo" on Sheet 2? If not,
    that's why not. Fields in a title block don't propagate automatically,
    you need to enter them.
    Bruce Bretschneider, Jan 17, 2007
  3. Monty

    Monty Guest

    Yes, $PRPSHEET:"PartNo" is in the title bold of both sheet1 and sheet2
    still no luck
    Monty, Jan 18, 2007
  4. Monty

    fcsuper Guest

    Not being able to see what you have, I'm going to cover some basic
    causes. If you've done these already, then good, but I'm listing them
    as just a basic starting point for a check list of things to look at:

    1. Look for typo's on the one that isn't work. Even something as
    simple as an extra space can disrupt the link. Also, make sure the
    issue is not refresh view related.

    2. Cntl-Q when you are on the second sheet to see if the field
    refreshes to show the correct value.

    3. Are you assigning the value via a macro or through SolidWorks
    Properties editor? If through a macro, try it directly through the SW
    Prop editor (File Pulldown>Properties>Custom Tab), to see if it makes a

    4. If you typed the link code in manually the text edit window? If you
    did it manually through the text edit window, it will not work. It
    will display just what you typed.

    5. Is the problem that nothing is showing up on sheet 2, or that the
    wrong value is showing up? Check to make sure the linked note is on a
    visiable layer.

    LMK if this helps.

    fcsuper, Jan 18, 2007
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