Add-In Wizard for VB Express plus API...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Aron Bacs, Jr., Jan 31, 2006.

  1. Hi,

    Is there a SW2006 (or other version) Add-In Wizard for VB Express (not VB6)?

    The wizard in the API SDK does not install properly into VB Express,
    at least for me. Maybe some here knows the trick to getting the directories
    set up properly...?

    I have contacted SW API support, and they said the API is supported by VB
    Express, however there is no "Wizard" yet.

    I am ultimately looking for a step by step procedure to make an Add-In, menu
    item, icon etc. for entering data into a sketch or drawing. The SW API
    calls look fine, it is the procedure of putting this into SW that I cannot
    seem to do properly. Any simple Add-In (NOT MACRO) example would be
    helpful. And while the API help files explain the bits and pieces, the
    OVERALL Add-In creation process seems missing???

    So in conclusion... is there any documentation, logically setup, step by
    step, of how to do create a SW2005/6 Add-In? I have no problem paying for
    the info if it exists, it just seems impossible to find, again in a form
    that makes sense.

    Would anyone like to share API tips or Add-In info from SWW2006?

    Signed a frustrated Engineer and want to be simple SW API Programmer!


    P.S. I was hoping to get to SWW but broke my wrist 5 days before and had to
    cancel, it sounded like a great event...
    Aron Bacs, Jr., Jan 31, 2006
  2. Aron Bacs, Jr.

    That70sTick Guest

    From what I can tell on MS website, code commands and syntax are nearly
    identical from VB6 to VB Express.

    Try this project:
    "Create SolidWorks addin from macro in VB6 " found at
    <>. It is a step-by-step
    transformation of macro to addin. This project was written for people
    in your position. Feel free to contact me via website customer service
    links with any questions.
    That70sTick, Jan 31, 2006
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