Add a Dimstyle

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by thenrich, Oct 18, 2004.

  1. thenrich

    thenrich Guest

    What is the easiest way to copy a DimStyle from a .dwt to a drawing? I'm using acad 2002. I've tried the copyFrom method but I get an error saying something about a duplicate record being added. I suspect it's because the dimstyle being copied has the same name as the 1 being created - this is a requirement, the name must remain the same.
    thenrich, Oct 18, 2004
  2. I think the trick is using a collection.

    Option Explicit

    Const strDwgFile As String = "C:\TedDimStyle.dwg"
    Const strDimStyle As String = "TEDDY"

    Public Sub CopyDimstyle()
    Dim docExt As New AxDbDocument
    Dim docCurr As AcadDocument
    Dim objCollection(0 To 0) As Object
    Dim retObjects As Variant

    Set docCurr = ThisDrawing
    docExt.Open strDwgFile
    Set objCollection(0) = docExt.DimStyles.Item(strDimStyle)
    retObjects = docExt.CopyObjects(objCollection, docCurr.DimStyles)

    Set docExt = Nothing
    Set docCurr = Nothing

    End Sub

    - Ted

    CAD Specialist, WD Partners

    using acad 2002. I've tried the copyFrom method but I get an error saying
    something about a duplicate record being added. I suspect it's because the
    dimstyle being copied has the same name as the 1 being created - this is a
    requirement, the name must remain the same.
    xxxTed Schaefer, Oct 21, 2004
  3. I personally have a routine that uses ObjectDBX to copy dimstyles, text styles etc from a source template drawing.

    The code would read something like this, which is from a module in my own program:

    Private Sub Dim_style_set()
    Dim dimstyle As AcadDimStyle
    Dim newstyle As AcadDimStyle
    Dim dimstylecoll As AcadDimStyles
    Dim stylename As String
    Dim styleexists As Boolean

    styleexists = False
    'source from a global variable defined ouside the sub.
    stylename = txt_dimstyle_name.Text
    styleexists = False
    Set dimstylecoll = ThisDrawing.Dimstyles

    'Iterate through the textstyles collection, and check to see if the 'style name already exists. If it does then set newstyle to the existing style name.
    On Error GoTo error

    For Each dimstyle In dimstylecoll
    If stylename = dimstyle.Name Then
    styleexists = True
    Set newstyle = dimstyle
    End If
    'If layerexists = False then the layer does not exist, so import the style from the default source.

    If styleexists = False Then
    'Import the textstyle using objectdbx.
    'First create the object.
    Dim objdwg As AxDbDocument
    Set objdwg = New AxDbDocument
    Dim objects(0 To 0) As Object
    'Now open the drawing.
    objdwg.Open "c:/PRC_Custom/dims-text/PRC_DIMS-TEXT_STYLES.dwg"
    Set objects(0) = objdwg.Dimstyles.Item(stylename)
    objdwg.CopyObjects objects, ThisDrawing.Dimstyles
    Set newstyle = ThisDrawing.Dimstyles.Item(stylename)
    'ThisDrawing.ActiveTextStyle = newstyle
    'MsgBox "imported textstyle is: " & newstyle.Name

    End If

    If chk_dimstyle_current.value = True Then
    ThisDrawing.ActiveDimStyle = newstyle
    End If
    Exit Sub

    MsgBox "An " & Err.Description & " error occured in " & Err.Source
    Exit Sub

    End Sub

    Hope that Helps.
    terencechatfielduk, Oct 21, 2004
  4. thenrich

    thenrich Guest

    That's what I ended up using is the ObjectDBX functionality - seems to work good. Wish you would have posted sooned so I didn't have to write my own code.
    thenrich, Oct 21, 2004
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