AD: JTB FlexReport (FLEXlm license reporting tool)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by JTB WORLD, Jan 3, 2004.


    JTB WORLD Guest

    Do you use applications using FLEXlm licensing?

    Do you want better graphic reports or logs?

    Take a look at this new application that can help you who are managing the
    licenses to take better decisions in the future. Don't buy 10 licenses when
    you would only need 8. JTB FlexReport will help you to maximize your

    Read more about JBT FlexReport here:
    JTB WORLD, Jan 3, 2004

    Scott Dorsey Guest

    This is nice, but it doesn't do much more than some grepping through the
    logs will. We've got some awk scripts around here that I hacked up that
    tell you what maximum and minimum levels are... shouldn't take more than
    an afternoon to graft something like that onto gnuplot.
    Scott Dorsey, Jan 3, 2004
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