Activation--The final frontier

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by TOP, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. TOP

    TOP Guest

    MSoft and SWX will argue that Activation stops piracy. We had more
    trouble with pirated MSoft this year than ever before. The pirates of
    XP were so good at faking the disks that we had to look long and hard
    at minute details to figure it out. During last years teaching
    assignment a couple students kept begging to teach SWX because they had
    it at home as warez and liked it. Legitimate companies are going to buy
    software, at least in the US. Kids and private individuals are going
    continue to obtain warez no matter what MSoft and SWX do because
    somebody is going to find a way around activation and anything else
    they do. Can you imagine a company with, say 100 seats of SWX, trying
    to do it with warez? It would be an administrative nightmare. And the
    cracking of SWX can't be that bad because SWX doesn't ship in sealed
    shrink wrap with holographic logos and long alpha-numeric strings for
    serial numbers.

    Outside of the US it is a different story. Some countries have such a
    rampant cracking problem that the paid seat of SWX is probably the
    exception. I have looked into the mindset in some of these countries
    and found that the people there simply don't view this as being wrong.
    Their mindset is that it is wrong for SWX not to provide them with what
    they need to earn a living. Therefore it is OK to take it when needed.
    These people come from countries with a strong socialist tradition of
    the government giving them everything at little or no cost.
    TOP, Sep 24, 2006
  2. TOP

    TOP Guest

    I noted that there are people in the US that use warez. However, they
    are not generally the people that would go out and buy SWX in the first
    place. I really don't know of any company wide uses of cracked SWX on
    either a large or small scale in the US. In fact I don't know of any
    company wide abuses although I have seen VARs make "exceptions" with
    certain customers on a limited basis.

    In your case where you have a desktop system and a laptop, how do you
    work it? Do you have two licenses?
    TOP, Sep 24, 2006
  3. TOP

    Bo Guest

    Just from my viewpoint, I can accept running only one copy of
    SolidWorks at a time, with my single license. I maintain a 2nd copy of
    SolidWorks on my MacBook Pro, so I can run SWks when I am "out" in the
    field or shop and not have to take two laptops with me. I have not yet
    seen a need to run Swks on both laptops at the same time.

    I gave up on desktops 10 years ago, as laptops are competent enough for
    all my work, as I don't do large assemblies.

    I would like to be able to launch earlier SWks versions, if I really
    had to do so, without having to jump through high hoops.

    I just hope the SWks policy does NOT turn draconian. In the 3rd world
    it is different & I can see the problem with CAD in the 3rd world.

    A friend used to work for Unigraphics and described being sent to China
    to conduct a "training course" after Unigraphics agree to do a 'bulk'
    license for the Chinese governmental companies in Beijing in the late
    80s-early 90s. This was after it was obvious that thousands of seats
    were pirated and an agreement was made to make them ALL legal.

    The exhibition hall for training could hold maybe a thousand people or
    something like that, and they sent out the notice about the official
    training class presentation...and something like 5-10,000 people showed
    up to attend the class.

    The amount of pirated copies of software was horribly underestimated by

    Bo, Sep 24, 2006
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