ACET Commands Question

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Vxc, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. Vxc

    Vxc Guest

    I've been programming for a while in AutoLisp and some times in VLisp,
    but I 'discovered' out in a few days de command ACET-CALC-ROUND.
    My question is , where can I find help about all ACET commands ?
    Because when I click help on those commands in the AutoCad Help Window
    appears "Page not Found".Like a Internet Explorer window.

    Is there any way to descover how to work with those commands ?

    Thanks in advance for a reply !

    Vxc, Nov 15, 2004
  2. Vxc

    Murph Guest

    My understanding is this ACET- stands for AutoCadExpressTool so if I'm
    correct you need to find the original Express Tool authors or someone that
    worked with them, there is little to no documentation on them exposed
    outside of the walls of the ET headquarters.

    Murph, Nov 15, 2004
  3. Vxc

    Joe Burke Guest


    Sounds like you want a number rounding function. If so, try this in lieu of

    ;; by Doug Broad
    ;; value: number to round
    ;; to: rounding value
    (defun round (value to)
    (setq to (abs to))
    (* to (fix (/ ((if (minusp value) - +) value (* to 0.5)) to)))

    Command: (acet-calc-round 5.4 1.11)
    Command: (round 5.4 1.11)


    Is this acet function news to you? I don't recall anyone mentioning it back when we
    were kicking this stuff around.

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Nov 15, 2004
  4. Vxc

    Vxc Guest

    Thank for the help Joe, but that the only command I dicovered who to
    work to.
    I would like to know who to work with outhers.I tryied AutoCad Help, and
    some PDF's I've got on Lisp but noting. Murph told that those are some
    ExpressTools commands, but I thougth that if they are E.T. command they were
    some way connected with Autodesk. And by that thought they should be on
    AutoCad Help.

    Thanks for the both replys, anyway, if someone else knows how to help me
    it would be nice !.
    Vxc, Nov 15, 2004
  5. Vxc

    Joe Burke Guest


    Here's a link to a site which documents the ACETUTIL functions. You might poke around
    there, to see if there's info regarding other ACET functions, such as

    Keep in mind, if the ACET team thought a toolbox function was worthwhile, others may
    have thought likewise. The round function is an example. So you may be better off
    with generic toolbox code, rather than depending on ACET stuff. Which may or may not
    be available, depending on which version of ACAD is in use.

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Nov 15, 2004
  6. Vxc

    Vxc Guest

    Here in my Pc at work the Internet Explorer is Locked so I can't look
    now at Afralisp. I'll see it im my place. I usualy go to that site because
    (in my opinion) is the best source of info.
    Thanks for the link and all the Info !!!
    Vxc, Nov 15, 2004
  7. Vxc

    Joe Burke Guest


    BTW, Express Tools help is accessed from the ET Help menu item. Not from the primary
    ACAD Help menu. Just in case that isn't clear.

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Nov 15, 2004
  8. Vxc

    Vxc Guest

    I never saw that help before. Too bad the 'folder' Query is not
    available. At least in my version (2004). Still, I dont see the commands
    that appear on Vlisp when I see the "Apropos Options".
    All those ACET-....... commands I dont see them there.
    But I'ts a advance on seaking for help.

    I will look better now on that help.

    Thanks again !
    Vxc, Nov 15, 2004
  9. Vxc

    Joe Burke Guest


    I think this brings us back to what Murph said. Just because some ET function is
    loaded and available, doesn't mean there's documentation available anywhere. Which is
    why I said, you should not depend on that stuff. Rather, look for similar totally
    exposed functions.

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Nov 15, 2004
  10. Vxc

    Vxc Guest

    Still doesn't anwser all thew commands, but thank you very much Mark.
    I've allready saved the file in my "Pen" where I keep all my lisp's and
    tutorials etc..
    Vxc, Nov 16, 2004
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