Accounting software for counting plots

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Ken, Aug 26, 2003.

  1. Ken

    Ken Guest

    I am looking for a way of counting the amount of plots users send to our two
    HP 5500 plotters. Hopefully there is a way in which we can log how many
    plots a users does and also get job numbers inputted as the user prints. If
    anyone knows of good software that we could load on our print server that
    would be a great help?

    Thanks in advance

    Ken, Aug 26, 2003
  2. Ken

    Matt Pearson Guest

    Hi Ken,

    As Dean mentioned in the earlier post, there are a number of plot tracking
    solutions available.

    Our company has a solution called Plot Minder that can capture all of the
    vital information (including job number) transparently and accurately. This
    is often overlooked in the quest to track plots. Users not only lose time
    entering information for each plot, but run the risk of entering incorrect

    Our product can be found at: and has a nice Flash
    demo that will give you a fairly good idea of how the product works.

    Best regards,

    Matt Pearson
    CAD fx, Inc.
    (877) 741-2175
    (810) 732-0085
    Matt Pearson, Aug 26, 2003
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