accont events and Delphi

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by S.BUFFET, Aug 17, 2004.


    S.BUFFET Guest

    I am actually programming a Delphi ActiveX object to be docked in Acad V2002 with Accont.arx

    I ve readed the accont help file and some posts but i still have a problem with the use of events.

    I don't know how to use the IAcadDockableContainerEvents interface ?

    Does anybody have an example project to help me ?

    Thanks in advance,

    S.BUFFET, Aug 17, 2004

    Guido Rooms Guest

    If I remember correctly, there's a unit written by Tony Tanzillo that
    demonstrates the use of events.
    You could have a look at his site and see if it's still there.
    It was written for Delphi 4...
    I could be wrong, though
    Another thing isthis: responding to AutoCAD events from a Delphi app is not
    for the faint of heart.

    Hope this helps a bit.
    Guido Rooms.
    Guido Rooms, Aug 18, 2004
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