Accessing Windows API Using VBA

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by RichM, Feb 20, 2004.

  1. RichM

    RichM Guest

    Wondering if anyone out there could help. I am fairly new to this VBA thing
    and I want to create a command button that will open a "Browse for Folder"
    dialog when pressed. So far I have not been successful finding any example
    code out there that will do this.

    In other words I need to gain access to the Windows API.

    Please help!?!

    RichM, Feb 20, 2004
  2. RichM

    tom Guest

    Richard- It depends what you want to browse for. If you're familiar
    with creating user interface controls you may want to begin with
    creating a button for a browser and taking a look at the code and then
    work from there.
    tom, Feb 20, 2004
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