Accessing layer state list

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by jlspartz, Dec 21, 2004.

  1. jlspartz

    jlspartz Guest

    Here's the dilemma. The last CAD manager here made a VBA for making and accessing layer states quickly. Well, when the layer state is saved in that program, AutoCAD 2005 doesn't recognize it anymore even though it is in the layer state list and works perfectly in AutoCAD 2002. But, it we save it through the command line or in the layer manager in 2002 it works in 2005.

    So, I need to capture the list of layer states within the drawing because they could be any name and then save them again. I notice it won't let me save the layer state with the same name to overwrite it too, so I may need to give each one a prefix when resaving them, and then after that is done, delete all layer states without that prefix. I know how I would do it if I knew the names of the layer states I wanted to resave, but the names could be anything. How would I do that in lisp?
    jlspartz, Dec 21, 2004
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