Accessing DescriptionKeySets via VBA

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Wade, Dec 16, 2004.

  1. Wade

    Wade Guest

    Does anyone know of a way to access the DescriptionKeySets of a Civil 3D
    drawing using VBA? I'd like to be able to drill down to the individual Keys
    and change some of the data in the fields, such as Fixed Scale Factor or
    Point Style. I must be missing something. Thanks in advance.
    Wade, Dec 16, 2004
  2. Hi Wade,

    It's very straight forward with either ADO or DAO.

    The one thing is that you will have to do some experimenting with manual
    changes so you know the interpretations of the keys holding the data about
    which items are toggled on and off in the scaling settings and how the
    parameters numbers are stored etc.
    Block names, Layer names and Full Description should be easy to recognise.

    But since Autodesk already provides you with an interface to do this, or you
    can open the file in Excel and edit it, save it to a comma separated file
    and import it back to Access, I'm curious at to what advantage you see in
    programming it.


    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Dec 16, 2004
  3. Wade

    Wade Guest

    Thanks for the reply,

    I'm looking for a way to edit the Fixed scale factor. If I have 30 keys and
    each one starts with Tree (Tree1 for a 1" tree, Tree2 for a 2" tree, ...
    Tree30 for a 30" tree) and my Fixed scale factor is 1 for Tree1, 1.12 for
    Tree2, 1.24 for Tree3, etc. I then find that all my trees are too small (or
    too big) so I want to change the scale factor to 10% larger (or smaller)
    than what it currently is. (Scale factor for Tree1 would change to 1.1,
    Tree2 would change to 1.23, Tree3 would change to 1.36). I don't see a way
    to do this without going into every key, calculating the new number by hand,
    then entering the new number by had. If there is a way to import this
    information from excel (csv) or something similar, I would be interested in
    hearing about it.

    Or if I wanted to change all keys that have a certain Point Style to a
    different one.

    Wait..I might have found a way to increase the scale of all the trees, under
    the Point Styles, Marker tab, change the "inches" from the default of 0.1 to
    whatever I need -- That worked.

    ....I guess I could do the same for changing the Points styles of the keys
    too. (too much new stuff, my thinking is getting cloudy).

    Another question though, I'm using the same symbols in Civil 3D as in LDD
    2004. If I set the drawing up to the same scale in both versions (50 scale)
    and I insert the points from the same PNEZD file, the symbols are smaller in
    the Civil 3D drawing than they are in the LDD 2004 drawing. I have to scale
    all the symbols up by 1.811 to be the same as LDD. Why is that?
    Wade, Dec 16, 2004
  4. Hi Wade,

    If you do your trees that way all you are doing is making work.

    Set the system up so that the tree is scaled by parameter 1

    The code your trees as

    TR 1
    TR 2.345
    TR etc,

    The block is then scaled by the number, regardless of what the number is.



    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Dec 17, 2004
  5. Wade

    Wade Guest


    I thank you again for your response. This is the reason why we don't use
    scaling parameters:

    I've been aware of the scale parameter for quite some time - LDD had/has it
    and maybe even Softdesk. I don't think it works they way we want it to.
    For example, a TR 60 (a tree that measures 60" in dia 4' above the ground)
    is 60 times bigger than a TR 1 (a 1" dia tree). But in the drawing we don't
    want the 60" tree symbol to be 60 times bigger than the 1" tree symbol -
    that would clutter the drawing up too much (and if we came up with an
    acceptable max symbol size, the 1" tree would be too small). So we came up
    with a maximum and minimum symbol size and just prorated all the other sizes
    in between. So a 5" tree may be 1.3654 times bigger than a 1" tree, or a
    20" tree may be 3.3123 times bigger than a 1" tree. So we either have to
    have 60 different tree blocks or have 1 tree block and 60 different Fixed
    Scales. So the amount of work in the office is the same. We can't have the
    surveyors (and draftspeople) remember that a TR 2.3421 is really a 12" dia
    tree, and we can't have the surveyors type "TR 2.3421 12Oak" because that is
    too many keystrokes in the field (especially when the temperture is in the
    single digits). A code of "T12Oak" (with a desc key of T12*) is much more
    efficient - it limits the keystrokes, inserts the appropriately sized
    symbol, and still tells the draftsperson what the symbol represents.

    We've also thought of a numbering system for the codes (i.e. 112 for a 12"
    Oak, 212 for a 12" Pine) but that has its drawbacks too. 1) Everyone
    (surveyors, draftspeople) need to memorize the codes - Is a 100 series for
    Oaks, Beeches, Pines, Birches, etc.? 2) Its too easy to type the wrong code
    and not notice - transposing numbers or accidentlly hitting a 1 instead of a

    Laurie, you mentioned that accessing the info thru ADO or DAO is straight
    forward, but I'm still missing something. I don't know the names of the
    recordsets Autodesk uses. In a Microsoft Access database for example I know
    the names of the recordsets so I can establish a connection to the
    recordset(s) and traverse thru the fields.

    Can you give me an example of how to access the recordsets and/or point me
    the direction of where I can find more info (I'll have a related post about
    how to access the information of point objects (Number, Elev, Desc, XYZ
    coord) soon)

    Thanks again.
    Wade, Dec 17, 2004
  6. Hi Wade,

    Firstly, let me say you'll never do a survey for me if you arbitrarly change
    the scale of objects which I expect to be at scale.

    A record set is simply a variable you define in your code. You don't need
    to know someone else's name for a record set.

    As I said in the first post, you will need to open a points database and
    check the fields listed in the Points Table.
    Here's an extract of some code I use in one of my programs using DAO. I'm
    only interested in East, North, Elevation and Description. However by using
    the * in SELECT * I have extracted all data in the table "points"

    Dim Proj As AeccProject
    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
    Dim lc As DAO.Recordset
    Dim dNorth, dEast, dElev As Double
    ' On Error GoTo errhandler
    Dim sDesc As Variant
    Dim sPointList As String
    Dim iCnt As Integer
    Set Proj = AeccApplication.ActiveProject
    Set db = OpenDatabase(Proj.FullName & "\cogo\points")
    If Err.Number = 0 Then ' ie have been able to open database
    Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM points ORDER BY NTH,PNO")
    If Err.Number = 0 Then ' ie have been able to get data
    rs.MoveLast ' Don't know why needed, but works
    rs.MoveFirst ' Don't know why needed, but works
    If Not rs.EOF Then ' Check if any data
    Do While Not rs.EOF ' The code ends up with an error handled by
    resume next
    On Error Resume Next
    dNorth = rs!nth ' Store point data for current point
    dEast = rs!est
    dElev = rs!elv
    sDesc = rs!dsc


    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Dec 23, 2004
  7. Wade

    Wade Guest

    Thanks again for your response, unfortunately I don't think you understood
    my original question (maybe I didn't explain it right)

    I wasn't looking for the points database, I was looking for the Point
    Description Keys. The points db is just an mdb file separate from the
    drawing (and easy enough to get to via DAO or ADO - also it is possible to
    have different points in the drawing than in the project db, like before you
    do a "checkIn"), the Point Description Keys is an object within an AutoCad
    drawing. Accessing the objects is different.

    So just for the record, I was able to figure it out, here is the code I
    used - in case anyone is interested (This code just reads the Description
    Key file, finds a specific set, and puts the info in an array so that it can
    be displayed in a listbox - its just an exercise in how to get to the info -
    which is (in my opinion) the hardest step.):

    Dim AeccApp As AeccApplication
    Dim DescKey As AeccPointDescriptionKey
    Dim DescKeyset As AeccPointDescriptionKeySet
    Dim DKeySets As AeccPointDescriptionKeySets
    Dim ADoc As AeccDocument
    Dim MyNewArray() As Variant
    Dim i As Long

    Set AeccApp =
    Set ADoc = AeccApp.ActiveDocument
    Me.ComboBox1.ColumnCount = 2
    Me.ComboBox1.ColumnWidths = "36;36"
    i = 0
    For Each DescKeyset In ADoc.PointDescriptionKeySets
    If DescKeyset.Name = "Plants" Then

    For Each DescKey In DescKeyset
    i = i + 1
    ReDim Preserve MyNewArray(2, i) As Variant
    MyNewArray(0, i) = DescKey.Name
    MyNewArray(1, i) = DescKey.FixedScaleFactor
    Next DescKey
    End If
    Next DescKeyset
    Me.ComboBox1.Column() = MyNewArray

    Also note, the objects are not arbitrarily changed. We need to set up
    standards in Civil 3D that match the standards set up in LDD. During the
    setup process (done once before Civil is unleashed to the masses) the symbol
    sizes need to be tweaked to match the sizes in LDD drawings. (I tried to
    use the same scaling factors that we used in LDD but they ended up being
    about 1.8 times too small (I don't know why such a weird number)). We've
    had to do this when we went from Eaglepoint to Softdesk (I don't remember if
    we needed to do it when we went from Softdesk to LDD). Once the standards
    are established, then they are not changed (or at least not unless the
    changes have gone thru some approval process). So if our standards are that
    no symbol can be larger than a 50 cent piece and no smaller than 1/4 the
    size of a dime we cannot have a 60 inch tree symbol be 60 times larger than
    a 1 inch tree symbol - we have to prorate the sizes accordingly to fit the
    standard criteria. I don't know of any survey companies that would allow a
    symbol to take up 1/2 of a 24x36 sheet of paper just so that a smaller
    version of that symbol is readable. So it is much easier to tweak all the
    ScaleFactor settings programmically than it is to open up each Description
    Key, click the ScaleFactor, enter the new number (and make sure I typed it
    in right), then move to the next.
    Wade, Jan 3, 2005
  8. Hi Wade,

    Sorry for the reference to the Points file, instead of the Description Keys
    file. The code obviously referred to the Points file as it was a sample of
    using DAO. I've never considered writing code to change a static file like
    the Description Keys file.

    "Also note, the objects are not arbitrarily changed."
    "Once the standards
    Within your company you have made up some scaling factors based on
    appearance in the drawing. If these factors are not arbitrary, then you are
    clearly using a different dictionary from me.

    If I survey a tree and when plotting it to size it occupies the whole
    drawing file - that's a fact. I cannot accept that it should be reduced in
    size so that it doesn't occupy drawing space.

    If I survey a Survey Mark, I want to show it as a symbol at the same size
    regardless of plotting scale.

    To what sort of objects are you applying your scaling factors wherein the
    above principals don't apply.


    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Jan 3, 2005
  9. Laurie, normally when we survey a tree
    it's trunk, and it's shadow, we plot it as it is, real size.
    But we've had some clients that also need
    the same drawing, but showing only the location
    of the trees and a relative size, not their real size.
    These drawings may be used for marketing purposes.
    Jorge Jimenez, Jan 3, 2005
  10. Hi Jorge,

    For marketing and this type of drawing, why would you bother surveying? I'd
    use Symbol Manager, perhaps with an aerial photo as an imagination guide.



    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Jan 3, 2005
  11. Marketing comes after the surveying and design has been done
    so why complicate matters with photos and extra symbols
    when the same dwg, with some tweaking and color fills, can do the job ??

    Maybe your mind is set on something else.
    Jorge Jimenez, Jan 4, 2005
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