accessing data in drawings thru SQL?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by grummanf6f, Aug 22, 2006.

  1. grummanf6f

    grummanf6f Guest

    Hello gurus,

    I have a customer with a large amount of DWG files. Is there any way to
    dump all the data in the files, such as building name, room #, and
    whatever they may have in construction drawings, in order to create a
    searchable database?

    It would be very nice if there were a way to point some software at
    these directories containing the dwg's and then have the resulting data
    mass importable into SQL.

    Many thanks!
    grummanf6f, Aug 22, 2006
  2. Drawings *are* databases, so this is a database architecture question. It's
    going to come down to what kind of structures order the relevant information
    in the drawings, and do those structures order the data in ways significant
    and consistent. (Good luck.)

    If you know what you are looking for in a drawing, you can automate
    searching a pile of drawings for that particular thing, but if they were
    created without imagining the extraction to another database, its unlikely
    that the drawings will contain structures in excess of what was deemed
    necessary by the draftsmen at the time. You might have more luck if the
    drawing generation process was automated to any great degree.
    Michael Bulatovich, Aug 22, 2006
  3. grummanf6f

    strawberry Guest

    If by chance the files had title blocks that contained this information
    in the form of block attributes then this could be quite easily
    achieved using the attribute extraction tools, together with some batch
    processing routine. As Michael says, if the data's not easily
    templatable then you're just going to wind up extracting stuff almost
    arbitrarily that you won't know what to do with.
    strawberry, Aug 23, 2006
  4. Could also be specific object types in specific places or on specific layers
    etc, but in my industry (architecture) drawing standards are so sloppy that
    it's safe to say that this would almost NEVER WORK.

    I know that other industries are different, but how consistent, I can't say.
    I get drawings from say, manufacturers, and they are pretty sloppy too.
    (Fudged dimensions, incorrect layering, redundant styles, etc.) I've seen
    attempts to automate the production of drawings which might get around most
    of this, but the next question is, "what is an acceptable margin of error
    for your database extraction?". If it's near zero, I would find something
    else to do.
    Michael Bulatovich, Aug 23, 2006
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