access to SW support database?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by horatio.hornblower, Jan 6, 2006.

  1. horatio.hornblower, Jan 6, 2006
  2. horatio.hornblower

    Brad Guest

    SolidWorks has some new people looking at improving customer
    satisfaction. I have meet one this year, his title is Customer
    Satisfaction Manager. In our discussions, he was talking about sharing
    information better and improving information communications with the
    customers. He has already implemented one suggestion I had, he put the
    what's new info on the web site so now you don't have to install the
    software to be able to read what they have changed.
    I like the new direction they are taking and I think it will improve
    Brad Harding
    Brad, Jan 6, 2006
  3. horatio.hornblower

    ndog72 Guest

    Ahoy Brady,

    I too have heard tales of the man you speak of. They say he whips a
    mean cat o' nine and does not hesitate t' roll heads that don't

    ndog72, Jan 9, 2006
  4. horatio.hornblower

    cadPIRATE Guest

    Ahoy Brady,

    I too have heard tales of the man you speak of. They say he whips a
    mean cat o' nine and does not hesitate t' roll heads of heedless

    cadPIRATE, Jan 9, 2006
  5. horatio.hornblower

    cadPIRATE Guest

    Ahoy Brady,

    I too have heard tales of the man you speak of. They say he whips a
    mean cat o' nine and does not hesitate t' roll heads of heedless

    cadPIRATE, Jan 9, 2006
  6. horatio.hornblower

    Brad Guest

    I do believe it is different this time. I complained that the what's
    new files were only accessable after install. He listened and a week
    later they were posted on the web site.
    I also complained that we have difficulty get info on SPR's logged by
    a distant division that uses a different VAR. I see in the document
    posted here that they are planning to share more of this information
    rather than locking it away and pretending they have no problems.
    I do not see this a major change in the company, but rather than 100%
    of total effort put into getting new customers, there is now some
    minimal effort going into keeping existing customers happy.
    Brad, Jan 9, 2006
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