Access to ESRI data in MicroStation V8

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by loring.tupper, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. Does anyone know of a way to access ESRI data (any of the following:
    SDE layers, shapefiles, coverages, or geodatabase feature classes)
    from MicroStation V8? I'm looking to view the data in conjuction with
    standard MicroStation design file elements.
    loring.tupper, Feb 22, 2007
  2. loring.tupper

    Bashturk Guest

    you could use GeoGraphics MircroStation to Import and Export .Shp,e00
    either you could attach.mxd tp the master file.i think GG is free with
    MS v8
    Mohammed Safwat
    Bashturk, Mar 12, 2007
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