accept DWF files and process them in Océ Repro Desk Server - win valuable prizes

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Scott Sheppard - Autodesk, Feb 2, 2005.

  1. Now that Repro Desk Server 1.6.3 is official along with the release of the
    Océ TDS860, Océ Repro Desk users can configure their systems to accept DWF
    files and print them. Repro Desk Server knows how to print Layered Document
    Format (LDF) files. Using a tool called makeldf.exe which is freely
    available, a DWF can be converted into an LDF in an automated fashion.

    Here are the steps for configuring Océ Repro Desk Server 1.6.3 to process
    DWFs into LDFs:

    1.. On a system that has Repro Desk Sever 1.6.3 or Repro Desk Remote 1.6.3
    already installed, you install the Océ Client Tools. The installer for this,
    OceClientTools.exe, can be obtained from
    2.. Start Océ Repro Desk Server/Remote 1.6.3.
    3.. Click on "Advanced" under the "Configure" menu
    4.. Expand the "File Processing" branch
    5.. Expand the branch for the DWF file type.
    6.. Click "Preprocessor Target Directory" and specify the directory where
    makeldf.exe will create its output files. This is normally the VIC directory
    for Repro Desk.
    7.. Click "Preprocess Command" and add the command line for processing
    files as in
    makeldf.exe "%f" /D=%d
    NOTE: There are 3 command modifiers that can be used as part of the
    command line:
    %d - This is the target directory specified in the "Preprocessor Target
    %f - The full path and name of the file to be processed by the external
    file interpreter.
    %t - The file name only of the file to be processed.
    8.. Click "OK" in the Configuration Manager.
    9.. Close and restart Océ Repro Desk Server/Remote 1.6.3.
    10.. Accept DWF files directly from customers.
    I was just kidding about the "valuable prizes" part. Certainly the ability
    to accept native DWF files will help drive more business to your devices.
    Scott Sheppard - Autodesk, Feb 2, 2005
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