Accelerator Keys

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by KLYPH, Apr 5, 2004.

  1. KLYPH

    KLYPH Guest

    I am ready to write some Accelerators and the Help is quite clear in the 2 formats available. I have the Macros already writen out and I am ready to enter them. What isn't clear to me is where to put the text. Am I missing something in the Help that tells me where the "Accelerators" are located?
    Thanks for any help available. Read Ya Later -KLYPH
    KLYPH, Apr 5, 2004
  2. KLYPH

    Kent Elrod Guest

    From my help file
    "You can define your own shortcut keys (or accelerator keys). The following
    is a short example of an Accelerators section in an MNU file.

    [CONTROL+SHIFT+"Z"]^C^Czoom extents"The second sentence says it is in the
    MNU file. You can modify the acad.mnu with your changesor for a better
    idea, start your own mnu file so you won't lose customizations as the
    program is upgraded or reloaded.Let me know if you need further
    formats available. I have the Macros already writen out and I am ready to
    enter them. What isn't clear to me is where to put the text. Am I missing
    something in the Help that tells me where the "Accelerators" are located?
    Kent Elrod, Apr 6, 2004
  3. KLYPH

    KLYPH Guest

    Kent, thanks for opening my eyes. Your idea about a separate file is a good one. I am suddenly so busy that I won't have time this week to try it out, but, I'll post another question if I have difficulties. Probably not, now that you showed me where to go. Thanks, Read Ya Later -KLYPY
    KLYPH, Apr 7, 2004
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