
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Edward Bagby, Oct 22, 2004.

  1. Edward Bagby

    Edward Bagby Guest

    I realized that my last post was a little obscure.

    Let me try this again.

    I read on some website that AcadX was being discontinued after 2004. I was
    wondering if this is true.

    If so, I was wondering if there was a way to recreate the
    InputMan_InputPointEvent in AutoCAD 2005.

    I have generated some sofisticated programs using that feature, related to
    field observation using a tablet computer, and I would hate to see us not be
    able to move the software forward.

    Thanks for your attention,

    Edward Bagby, Oct 22, 2004
  2. Edward Bagby

    CJ Follmer Guest

    do a search of the newsgroup. I believe Tony gave a detailed explanation of
    why he is discontinuing some products. or check his web site.

    CJ Follmer, Oct 22, 2004
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