AcadX: Important announcement

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Tony Tanzillo, Aug 15, 2004.

  1. Tony Tanzillo, Aug 15, 2004
  2. Hi.
    .. . . so, to develop something in the ACAD environment, will it be a good
    investment to learn some .NET language ?
    What do you recommend ?

    C# ?

    Domenico Maria Pisano, Aug 17, 2004
  3. There's really very little reason to program for AutoCAD in .NET unless
    you're planning on using the managed API.
    Frank Oquendo, Aug 17, 2004
  4. Anything except VB.NET.
    Tony Tanzillo, Aug 17, 2004
  5. Tony Tanzillo

    Guido Rooms Guest

    Could you clarify this a bit, Tony.
    They've just foisted that VB.NET stuff on me.
    If I wanted the job I was going to produce VB.NET code or nothing...
    If it's really useless I can of course still dump it.

    Guido Rooms
    Guido Rooms, Aug 18, 2004
  6. Guido - I never cared for VB and in .NET, its only worse,
    but it's mainly a personal preference.
    Tony Tanzillo, Aug 18, 2004
  7. Tony's dislike for all things VB does not bear on the effectiveness of

    All .NET languages leverage the .NET framework. While VB.NET is a sloppy
    language, it's just as capable any other managed language.
    Frank Oquendo, Aug 18, 2004
  8. Tony Tanzillo

    Guido Rooms Guest

    Frank and Tony,

    Until now, I've used Delphi and Lisp for development in and around AutoCAD.
    This is my first project in which I have to work together with other
    One of their arguments for using VB.NET is that when VBA is finally replaced
    by VSA, VB.NET code will be easier to adapt...
    Does this make sense?

    Guido Rooms
    Guido Rooms, Aug 18, 2004
  9. Tony Tanzillo

    Guido Rooms Guest

    Also see my answer to Frank Oquendo's post in this thread (below)
    Guido Rooms, Aug 18, 2004
  10. Guido.

    Forget about the arguments you've heard.

    The most compelling reason for why you would want to use
    C# is because that is the hands-down choice of the ovewhelming
    majority of experienced, professional programmers, many of whom
    do not regard VB as a programmer's programming language, but
    rather, as a language for non-programmers.

    What does that mean to you? That's easy: You will far more
    resources and quality code written in C# in constrast to VB.

    To wit, go to and see how much .NET
    sample code there is in C# and how much there is in VB.

    This fact alone makes it clear that C# is the right
    choice, unless you need to drag a lot of legacy VB code
    into the equation.

    Of course, if you are a Delphi programmer, than you
    also have Delphi.NET (D8) as another choice. I use
    it, and have been able to port massive amounts of
    existing Object Pascal code with relative ease.
    Tony Tanzillo, Aug 18, 2004
  11. What does that mean to you? That's easy: You will far more
    Sorry, notebook keyboard stinks...

    I mean that you will find much more resources and better
    quality code written in C# than you'll find for VB.
    Tony Tanzillo, Aug 18, 2004
  12. Tony Tanzillo

    Guido Rooms Guest

    Thanks for the reply.
    For the moment, I think I'll have to put up with VB for a while.
    Nothing lost, though. If people pay me for VB code, VB code is what they'll
    For my own projects I'd prefer me dear ole Delphi.
    But since some of the projects we're currently working on have to run on
    Windows CE.NET, Delphi is out of the question for these.

    Guido Rooms
    Guido Rooms, Aug 18, 2004
  13. No. VB and VB.NET are worlds apart.
    Frank Oquendo, Aug 19, 2004
  14. Tony Tanzillo

    Guido Rooms Guest


    I know how far apart they are. There is all the difference between object
    based languages, of which VB(A) is one, and object oriented languages such
    as VB.NET. Since I've done most of my development in Delphi, learning VB.NET
    and the concepts of the NET framework does not require me to unlearn
    everything before I can start learning NET.
    For those who have worked with VBA or VB, at least some of the VB syntax is
    preserved in VB.NET. Whether this is an advantage or a drawback, I don't
    know. The customer I have to work for clearly thinks it is. If VBA in
    AutoCAD is finally replaced by VSA, so he thinks, we'll have at least some
    subs and functions that won't be affected because syntax, keywords etc...
    will remain untouched. Behind this reasoning may of course live the idea
    that visual basic programmers are cheaper. But this is never explicitly
    stated. As I already wrote, for my own projects I'd prefer Delphi or C#. I
    also have doubts about VSA, there are those who say it's going to be there
    soon and those who say it never will...

    Guido Rooms
    Guido Rooms, Aug 19, 2004
  15. Tony Tanzillo

    BTO Guest

    Anything except VB.NET.

    BTO, Aug 19, 2004
  16. Tony Tanzillo

    Dean McCarns Guest


    To get back on the original message. Although I never used AcadX (the code)
    I did visit the site quite a bit in the early days and have to say (again)
    thanks for the help. What was posted on that site helped to demistify quite
    a bit for myself and others.

    Many people (myself included) have found that developing a resaleable
    product for AutoCAD is not very profitable, especially the programming side
    as many of use develop for employers who do not see the need or benifit of
    custom solutions, so money for automation systems is limited at best.

    With that aside, thanks for all you did and have done for many of the people
    on this NG and others. Good luck in the future and I hope to talk to you
    again soon.
    Dean McCarns, Aug 19, 2004
  17. I believe VB.NET's superficial syntax similarities with VB to be a
    disadvantage. As for VSA, don't expect it any time soon. VBA apps are
    the backbone of Microsoft Office and there's no way Microsoft is going
    to upset their user base.
    Frank Oquendo, Aug 19, 2004
  18. If you mean the AcadX web site, that was me.

    Otherwise, ignore this post. ;)
    Frank Oquendo, Aug 19, 2004
  19. Dean - Thanks.

    I'm not going anywhere.
    Tony Tanzillo, Aug 19, 2004
  20. Tony Tanzillo

    Dean McCarns Guest

    Sorry Frank (I've visited your site as well so dont feel left out :)
    Dean McCarns, Aug 20, 2004
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