AcadX.arx for AutoCad 2004

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bill Wright, Jan 5, 2004.

  1. Bill Wright

    Bill Wright Guest

    Has anyone heard when AczdX for AutoCad 2004 will be available?
    Bill Wright, Jan 5, 2004
  2. I clipped this from another post.
    I'm assuming that a specific date is unavailable. I'm sure Tony will post
    something here when he knows more.


    Dale Levesque, Jan 5, 2004
  3. Ooooooooooops. It's here.


    Dale Levesque, Jan 5, 2004
  4. Man, It's tuff to get back into the swing of things after the holidays. That
    was AcadXTabs. Sheesh.

    Dale Levesque, Jan 5, 2004
  5. Bill Wright

    Bill Wright Guest

    Thanks Dale,

    I saw that in a May, '03 post from Tony but wasn't sure if anyone has heard
    anything new.

    Best Regards,
    Bill Wright, Jan 5, 2004
  6. Yes, I know. Well, there was a lot more work than
    I had assumed, and not much time to do it. Sorry.

    Paid licensees will be the first to get it, BTW.
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 5, 2004
  7. Bill - It's almost ready. Sorry, I can't be more
    specific than that.
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 5, 2004
  8. Bill Wright

    Bill Wright Guest

    I would gladly pay for a license if I could get it sooner. I'm not distributing anything, only
    in house use. Please email me with the license info.

    Bill Wright, Jan 5, 2004
  9. AcadX for AutoCAD 2004 will be available shortly, but
    there will be no free 'for-in-house-only' version of it.

    The reason for this is because it has come to my attention
    that far too many copies of it were/are being distributed
    illegally, without a distribution license.

    I got a call today from someone at Autodesk who made the
    mistake of telling me that the people he was representing
    are currently using the 2002 version, and have distributed
    copies of it with a solution they are selling or licensing
    to others, and that they now needed the 2004 version. The
    problem is that those people have not licensed AcadX for
    distribution, and hence, are illegally distributing copies
    of it.

    When things reach the point where Autodesk itself is in
    some way involved in, or with parties that are willfully
    infringing on my IP rights, it means that a change is
    in order.

    Boiling the ocean just to deal with a few bad fish is not
    something I wamt to do, but I really don't have a choice.
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 9, 2004
  10. Bill Wright

    wivory Guest


    Of course do whatever you want with your product. I'm sure you've put much hard work into it and you're entitled to decide how it is distributed.

    However (even though I don't use AcadX) I would like to make a comment. Perhaps you're planning to introduce some copy-protection or no-download-unless-you-pay policy which would lock it down. But otherwise removing the "free for in-house use only" will obviously not stop the "dishonest" from using it - it would only serve to stop the "honest". If parties such as those mentioned by the Autodesk rep are illegally distributing copies now you have the opportunity to prosecute them as much as you would should you adopt your proposed changes.

    You may like to instead consider a 5-second splash screen that says "AcadX - Free for IN-HOUSE USE ONLY" or something similar when AcadX is loaded. Nobody is going to be able to distribute a commercial product with *that* in it.

    Again, it's entirely up to you what you do. I just thought that with your blood boiling (along with the ocean!!) you may not have considered this.


    Wayne Ivory
    IT Analyst Programmer
    Wespine Industries Pty Ltd
    wivory, Jan 9, 2004
  11. With due apologies, I withdraw the previous comments regarding
    Autodesk's involvement in any suggested impropriety regarding
    licensing of AcadX.

    Let me make it perfectly clear that Autodesk had absolutely no
    involvement or knowledge of any infringement or unauthorized
    use of AcadX, whatsoever, and what I did say was based on a
    misinpretetation of what I was told by the rep.

    Subsequent to those comments, the Autodesk rep told me that
    they only "prototyped" the application on AutoCAD 2002.

    I will see what I can do regarding in-house use, but I suspect
    that if anyone wants to see AcadX extended to support even more
    power and functionality (specific to AutoCAD 2004's extensions
    to ObjectARX), then there is going to be a charge (and probably
    based on number of seats, like AcadXTabs).

    copy-protection or no-download-unless-you-pay policy which would lock it down. But otherwise removing the "free for
    in-house use only" will obviously not stop the "dishonest" from using it - it would only serve to stop the "honest". If
    parties such as those mentioned by the Autodesk rep are illegally distributing copies now you have the opportunity to
    prosecute them as much as you would should you adopt your proposed changes.
    similar when AcadX is loaded. Nobody is going to be able to distribute a commercial product with *that* in it.
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 9, 2004
  12. Don't care if your friend or foe, I'm all for copyright enforcement and
    It's not right when someone is making a profit out of your hard work, and
    not paying a penny for it.
    Knowledge may belong to all mankind, but ones hard work does not.
    ....unless you want it to.
    Saludos, Ing. Jorge Jimenez, SICAD S.A., Costa Rica

    much hard work into it and you're entitled to
    Perhaps you're planning to introduce some
    down. But otherwise removing the "free for
    it would only serve to stop the "honest". If
    distributing copies now you have the opportunity to
    "AcadX - Free for IN-HOUSE USE ONLY" or something
    commercial product with *that* in it.your blood boiling (along with the ocean!!) you
    Jorge Jimenez, Jan 9, 2004
  13. Bill Wright

    Bill Wright Guest


    I think you should charge at least some nominal fee for in house use. You need to get paid for your work just like the rest
    of us do. Obviously, I would rather get free stuff but our company is delaying upgrading to 2004 because we don't want to be
    without the "Time Saving Tools" that were developed using AcadX and that has to be worth something.

    Best Regards,

    Bill Wright, Jan 9, 2004
  14. Bill - Thanks for your comments. Ultimately it will
    depend on what my future plans for enhancing AcadX
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 9, 2004
  15. Bill Wright

    RolandF Guest

    Hi Tony,
    i am sorry to here that there will be no longer a free PersonalInHouse Version of AcadX.arx. I was waiting for so long :-(.
    May favourite Object was the Curve-object. Do you think that it would possible to make juste a Curve.arx available? I don't think so. Therefore, thank you Tony for your great Tool in the past.

    But now i want to ask someone from Autodesk. Why it is not possible to make something like the curve-objet in VBA. It is possible to get all those things in lisp, so why you don't do it in VBA? Sorry, but i do not understand it.

    RolandF, Jan 12, 2004
  16. I would really like to see some of the AcadX features standard with AutoCAD. (In particular dynamic graphics.) I would be happy to pay a fee for AcadX if I was guaranteed to get an update very shortly after each new AutoCAD release.

    I too would like to thank Tony for providing his tools.

    Regards - Nathan
    Nathan Taylor, Jan 12, 2004
  17. That's probably one of the most inaccurate statements
    I've ever seen you make.

    The "vlcurve functionality" is nothing but wrapper
    functions around some (but not all) of the methods of
    the ObjectARX AcDbCurve class, which is functionality
    that was created by Autodesk, not Basis Software.

    The AcadXCurve class is just the ActiveX counterpart
    of that, and is also just a wrapper around AcDbCurve.
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 13, 2004
  18. Trust me. If AcadX were a profitable revenue stream,
    you would not have to wait long for updates. However,
    the problem is that it is being distributed without
    a proper license on a fairly widespread basis, and
    that makes it difficult to profit from.

    I've already instituted a compatibility guarantee for
    AcadXTabs licensees that guarantees compatibility with
    major new releases of AutoCAD within 90 days of launch,
    and with no upgrade cost.

    I don't foresee any need for updating AcadX beyond
    AutoCAD 2004 (the next release after 2004, is from
    what I hear, binary compatible with 2004, which
    means that it should run 2004 ObjectARX code without
    changes or recompilation).

    The AutoCAD release after Neo, if it is targeted at
    Longhorn, is without doubt going to need to expose
    most API functionality via managed .NET wrappers.

    The real challenge is going to be to create a version
    of Visual LISP that is .NET-friendly, which generates
    and executes managed code (not that Visual LISP isn't
    already "managed", but it doesn't have access to the
    ..NET framework, which will become essential in the
    Longhorn timeframe).

    Speaking of Longhorn, DCL fans (if there are any left)
    will probably find XAML (eXtensible Application Markup
    Language) interesting. It seems to be modeled after
    Dialog Control Language, except it uses XML rather than
    the pseudo-pascal DCL syntax. What they have in common
    is that they are both structured, highly declarative
    ways to define user interfaces and reusable components.
    XAML is like DCL for Windows.

    be happy to pay a fee for AcadX if I was guaranteed to get an update very shortly after each new AutoCAD release.
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 13, 2004
  19. Bill Wright

    RolandF Guest

    So, when i read your comment and i did understand it, it should be easy for autodesk to include a Curve-Object. So why they don't do it. I do not understand it.
    Your Curve-Object is one of the things i always use. Maybe we will find it in future versions of acad

    RolandF, Jan 13, 2004
  20. Autodesk has demonstrated a patten of deliberately limiting
    the API functionality available to plain vanilla AutoCAD, and
    most seem to agree that the reason is because they are intent
    on inhibiting its use as a platform that third parties and end
    users can base their own vertical solutions on, because they
    compete with Autodesk's own AutoCAD-and non AutoCAD-
    based vertical solutions.

    That's the only reason I can think of for not exposing the
    AcDbCurve functionality to ActiveX/VBA.

    they don't do it. I do not understand it.
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 13, 2004
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