
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by John, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. John

    John Guest

    I'm new to Cad customization, playing with small routine and modifying Menu.
    I posted some questions before but still trying to resolve problems. I
    added code in acaddoc.lsp and it working fine but when add (command "close")
    I'm getting a message "AtuoCAD connot close P:\drive
    nameandfile..........dwg, because there is a command still active. please
    complete the command and try again.

    I'm trying to clearup all dwgs. so I can open all dwgs from Windows

    (command "purge" "all" "*" "no")
    (command "audit" "y")
    (Command "zoom" "e")
    (command "qsave")
    (command "close")

    again, is anybody know how to turn off pagesetup and stardard dialog Box.

    same as turn off file and plot dialog - FILEDIA, CMDDIA to 0

    Thanks for your help

    John, Apr 28, 2004
  2. John,

    AcadDoc.lsp is *not* the place for this code. Any drawing you open would
    immediately close, if it worked as you intend. I guess that means you could
    go home early...

    Command: (command "._psetupin")
    .._psetupin Enter file name: nil
    Enter file name:

    For the Standards command, are you just wanting to do a Layer Translate, or

    R. Robert Bell

    I'm new to Cad customization, playing with small routine and modifying Menu.
    I posted some questions before but still trying to resolve problems. I
    added code in acaddoc.lsp and it working fine but when add (command "close")
    I'm getting a message "AtuoCAD connot close P:\drive
    nameandfile..........dwg, because there is a command still active. please
    complete the command and try again.

    I'm trying to clearup all dwgs. so I can open all dwgs from Windows

    (command "purge" "all" "*" "no")
    (command "audit" "y")
    (Command "zoom" "e")
    (command "qsave")
    (command "close")

    again, is anybody know how to turn off pagesetup and stardard dialog Box.

    same as turn off file and plot dialog - FILEDIA, CMDDIA to 0

    Thanks for your help

    R. Robert Bell, Apr 28, 2004
  3. John

    ECCAD Guest

    Don't know if it will shut off all the dialogs..but you could try.
    (setvar "EXPERT" 5)
    do your changes....
    (setvar "EXPERT" 2)
    (command ".qsave")

    ECCAD, Apr 28, 2004
  4. John

    John Guest


    Thank you for your reply.

    I do have psetupin routine (command "PSETUPIN" "PLOT 1050C STANDARD.dwt"
    how do you tell to cad which page setup name need to be current after
    installed several setup pages name?

    There are two commands psetupin and pagesetup.

    Yes, I want to close dwg immedialely after finish code. I want cleanup
    every dwgs on server. So if I select dwgs as many as i can from Window
    Explorere it open and run all code and close immedialely......

    John, Apr 28, 2004
  5. You have to use the CopyFrom method on the Layouts that you want to apply
    the page setup to. Search both here and in the VBA ng for sample code.

    There are all sorts of ways to batch process drawings. Again, a search here
    will yield many options, such as ScriptPro.

    R. Robert Bell


    Thank you for your reply.

    I do have psetupin routine (command "PSETUPIN" "PLOT 1050C STANDARD.dwt"
    how do you tell to cad which page setup name need to be current after
    installed several setup pages name?

    There are two commands psetupin and pagesetup.

    Yes, I want to close dwg immedialely after finish code. I want cleanup
    every dwgs on server. So if I select dwgs as many as i can from Window
    Explorere it open and run all code and close immedialely......

    R. Robert Bell, Apr 28, 2004
  6. John I do something very similar when I want to plot a whole load of
    drawigs, or like you say clean them up. Below is the code I have in my
    ACAD.lsp file:

    Defun S::Startup ()
    (command "cmdecho" "0")
    (COMMAND "CMDDIA" "1")
    (princ "\n")
    ;;(COMMAND "PDMODE" "0")(princ "\n") ;;SETS THE POINT MODE
    (command "regenauto" "on")
    ;;(COMMAND "LTSCALE" "1")
    ;;(COMMAND "TILEMODE" "0")
    ;;(COMMAND "CMDDIA" "0")
    ;;(command "-layer" "off" "amend" "")
    ;;(COMMAND "_PLOT" "n" "" "<previous plot>" "" "" "y" "")
    ;;(COMMAND "_PLOT" "Y" "" "hp5000.pc3" "A3" "M" "L" "N" "W" "19.5,14.0"
    "833.0,574.5" "1=2" "C" "Y" "CW Half.ctb" "Y" "N" "N" "N" "N" "Y" "Y")
    ;;(COMMAND "_PLOT" "Y" "" "XEROX 8830.pc3" "ISO B1 (706.00 x 1000.00 MM)"
    "M" "L" "N" "W" "10,7.5" "991,697.5" "1=1" "C" "Y" "RDH Standard.ctb" "Y"
    "N" "N" "N" "Y" "" "Y" "Y")
    ;;(COMMAND "_PLOT" "Y" "" "XEROX 8830.pc3" "ISO A1 (841.00 x 594.00 MM)"
    "M" "L" "N" "W" "19.5,14.0" "833.0,574.5" "1=1" "C" "Y" "CW Standard.ctb"
    "Y" "N" "N" "N" "Y" "" "Y" "Y")
    ;;(COMMAND "_PLOT" "Y" "" "PostScript Level 1 Plus.pc3" "ISO A1 (841.00 x
    594.00 MM)" "M" "L" "N" "W" "19.5,14.0" "833.0,574.5" "1=1" "C" "Y" "CW
    STANDARD.ctb" "Y" "N" "N" "N" "N" "Y" "Y")
    (princ "\n")

    I simply remove the semicolons in front of the lines that I want to use and
    then replace then when I am done. That way I can open 20 or 30 drawings sit
    back and supervise as my computer makes sure every drawing is consistently
    worked on. For what you want maybe below would work:

    Defun S::Startup ()
    (command "cmdecho" "0")
    (COMMAND "CMDDIA" "1")
    (princ "\n")
    (COMMAND "PDMODE" "0")(princ "\n") ;;SETS THE POINT MODE TO
    (command "regenauto" "on")
    (COMMAND "CMDDIA" "0")
    (command "purge" "all" "*" "no")
    (command "audit" "y")
    (princ "\n")

    I would suggest the problem you are having is that is that the CMDDIA
    variable is set to 1 try adding the lines I have above that set it to 0.
    You will not that it is first set to 1 above, this is so I can have command
    dialouge boxes normmally as normally I would have the second call to change
    the variable to 0 supressed.

    Hope this helps,

    Daniel Bennett, Apr 29, 2004
  7. John

    John Guest


    Thank you for your reply. I use batch plot utility and i call-out pagesetup
    names from BPU when I want to plot a entire project.

    For cleanup drawings I used your code but still I'm gettting same message
    "AtuoCAD connot close P:\drivenameandfile..........dwg, because there is a
    command still active. please
    complete the command and try again." at close command.

    is closing drawing for you at close commend or are you getting same message?

    I'm using 2002 ADT.

    John, Apr 29, 2004
  8. John,

    I accidently ommited the opening parenthis, this may be causing the problem.
    The routine should be as follows:

    (Defun S::Startup ()
    (command "cmdecho" "0")
    (COMMAND "CMDDIA" "1")
    (princ "\n")
    (COMMAND "PDMODE" "0")(princ "\n") ;;SETS THE POINT MODE TO A
    (command "regenauto" "on")
    (COMMAND "CMDDIA" "0")
    (command "purge" "all" "*" "no")
    (command "audit" "y")
    (princ "\n")

    I am using AutoCAD 2002 and I ran the routine sucessfully after fixing the
    error. If this doesn't work maybe there is a small difference between
    vanilla and ADT. Also note this code stumbles if a drawing has read only
    attributes or has never been previously saved before (not an issue here but
    I use the last 3 lines in a routine I call Qclose which safely saves and
    closes a drawing by typing Ctrl+Q. It is so good I can't believe that it's
    not a standard feature.)

    Daniel Bennett, Apr 29, 2004
  9. John

    John Guest

    Wonderful, it works great. I want to know what I was doing wrong that
    causing the problem with my code. I thought I don't have to use following

    (defun s::starup () ; The acaddoc.lsp file is intended to be associated with
    each document (or drawing) initialization. This file is useful if you want
    to load a library of AutoLISP routines to be available every time you start
    a new drawing (or open an existing drawing). Each time a drawing opens,
    AutoCAD searches the library path for an acaddoc.lsp file. If it finds one,
    it loads the file into memory. The acaddoc.lsp file is always loaded with
    each drawing regardless of the settings of ACADLSPASDOC and LISPINIT.?

    (command "cmddia" "1") any lisp routine shut off all the dialogs?

    See what I was doing wrong with these code

    (command "purge" "all" "*" "no")

    (command "audit" "y")

    (Command "zoom" "e")

    (command "qsave")

    (command "close")

    Thank you for your help

    John, Apr 29, 2004
  10. John,

    The S::Startup function doesn't run until the drawing is fully loaded, and
    AutoCAD is ready to go to work. Your code, not wrapped in S::Startup, was
    probably trying to close the drawing before it was even fully open.

    R. Robert Bell

    Wonderful, it works great. I want to know what I was doing wrong that
    causing the problem with my code. I thought I don't have to use following
    R. Robert Bell, Apr 29, 2004
  11. John and others,

    A little tip when using this type of routine on a bunch of drawings is to do
    a small test run first to check it all works ok, otherwise you have to put
    an axe through your machine to stop it. (learnt the hard way)

    Daniel Bennett, Apr 30, 2004
  12. John

    John Guest

    Bell and Daniel

    Thank you for your help.

    Yes. I just try one or two drawings for test...... if it run ok i select as
    many as I need

    John, Apr 30, 2004
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