
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by BigBoy, May 9, 2004.

  1. BigBoy

    BigBoy Guest

    Has anyone been able to use this very powerful add-on tool boxes for
    2000 in2004/2005? I can't get it to work in the newer versions, can
    anyone help?
    BigBoy, May 9, 2004
  2. BigBoy Guest

    I dont know this tool but i can give you some hints:
    1.) if the tool is an arx programm (filename.arx) there is no chance.
    The arx must be newly compiled for 2004/2005; an old will not be
    2.) if it is a menu, you also must recompile it for 2004/2005, but
    this can be done by yourself if you have the mnu oder mns file: use
    the AutoCAD command "menu" and chose in the file dialog the *.mns or
    *.mnu file for loading. (Please copy the older mnr and mnc file to a
    save place befor trying this; if there are any problems with toolbar
    icons etc.)
, May 9, 2004
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