Acad14 it me or do the OSNAPS in Acad2004-5 suck??!!

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Boll Weevil, Apr 1, 2005.

  1. Boll Weevil

    Boll Weevil Guest

    I have to constently double check my work to make sure my drawings are
    snap-accurate. Many a times I see bad interections. Acad14 seems to be much
    better and more OSNAP reliable.
    Boll Weevil, Apr 1, 2005
  2. Boll Weevil

    G Farris Guest

    Well, unless you tell us more, we're just going to have to say it's you!
    After all, no one likes to admit to having bad interections, though it can
    happen to the best of us.

    Joking aside, you're going to have to tell us more. I use snaps in 2004 the
    same as always, and I don't notice any difference. I do find tracking harder
    to do than it used to be though.

    G Faris
    G Farris, Apr 3, 2005
  3. Boll Weevil

    Boll Weevil Guest

    My main problem is that the OSNAP acquisitions are much slower and I can't trust
    it. It acts like it snapped to something but it didn't. I have to alter my
    speed, meaning slow down so the OSNAP can catch up. ACAD14 is much faster at
    OSNAP acquisition.
    Boll Weevil, Apr 5, 2005
  4. Boll Weevil

    G Farris Guest

    I cannot answer the question.
    I am not a "lightning snap" draftsman myself. I see some
    demonstrations at trade shows etc where they snap through dimensions
    so quickly I can't even see the pointer move. In ten minutes they've
    drawn up a whole shopping mall in front of your eyes, to show how
    quick and easy the product is. I am more of a plodding, methodical
    type, who does not like errors in drawings, so I let my snaps get
    "seated" before clicking.

    Perhaps it's time to upgrade your workstation(s). I have noticed in
    some cases that OSNAPS are not completely transparent with regard to
    material resources. If you snap to points within XREFS, for example,
    it can make very large demands on your processor load. It gets VERY
    slow, and if you don't have a powerhouse workstation it can even lock
    your system up or cause it to crash. I have had this happen with R14,
    before upgrading my system, and even now I try to avoid using snaps
    within external references.

    My own gripe about 2004DX is that I cannot use tracking the way I
    used to in R14. I'm sure I can do it, actually, but they've changed
    something,and I will have to dig back into the books to find out what
    I have to do. It used to be easy, for example, to turn tracking on
    and click two verticies on a rectangle to select the center of the
    rectangle. Now, using their "temporary tracking points" that doesn't
    work any more.

    I hope others here can help with your OSNAP question. Good luck.

    Greg Faris
    G Farris, Apr 6, 2005
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