Acad to a SW drawing editing is very SLOOOW?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Nathan Feculak, Dec 16, 2003.

  1. I have an old acad file that I have converted to a SW drw file. I don't have
    time to create a model so I am just working with the drw file. I find that
    editing the drw is really slow to do any operation. Is there a way to speed
    this up? there are blocks in the Acad file could this hinder performance?
    Nathan Feculak, Dec 16, 2003
  2. Nathan Feculak

    Steve Tietz Guest

    I don't think there is any way to speed it up. Solidworks is NOT a 2D
    sketcher it is a 3d Modeler. 2D sketches are just slow this way.
    Solidworks was not designed to do this.

    Steve Tietz
    Steve Tietz, Dec 16, 2003
  3. How complex is the part.

    The problem is that SW is not meant to edit line drawings. It thinks too
    much about lines you could turn inferencing, and automatic relations off
    that should help a bit. I have imported wireframe models from Acad and they
    were impossible to work with. Do you still have access to Acad. When our
    company switched over we kept one Acad seat for editing of old line

    Depending on how complex your part is you could probably use the 2d to 3d
    utility to create the part from the Acad drawing relatively quickly.

    As far as blocks are concerned I would assume that they speed things up. I
    can't be certain though.

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Dec 16, 2003
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