acad scales

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Niki, Aug 19, 2006.

  1. Niki

    Niki Guest

    happened? -Al
    previous replies are correct, but like many other things in autocad, the
    picture is seldom complete because there are so many different ways to
    achieve the same effect on screen.

    I will attempt a comprehensive reply.

    when I am in model space I set my ltscale to a number based on the scale
    I wish to plot at - usually 1/4"=1'-0". multiply the inverse of my
    desired output-on-paper scale by 12. ( 4 * 12 ) = 48

    I set my ltscale in model space to 48. this only changes the on screen
    appearene in model space.

    I plot from paper space and scale the view through the window by the
    inverse of my LTSCALE in model space and what plots is the same as what
    I am used to looking at on screen. you have to add the suffix XP. I
    scale my viewports in paper space 1/48XP for a 1/4" = 1' drawing.

    for 1/8 scale the magic number is 96. for the oddball 3/16 it's 64.
    those I use often enough to remember.

    for this to work right, I have to change my ltscale to 1 before I plot.
    and PSLTSCALE is a variable that turns paperspace scaling OFF and ON.
    if memory servers, I just leave mine on - controlling the plot scale by
    scaling the views in the viewports.

    my magic numbers work because I want someone to be able to lay an
    architect's scale on the plan and read the 1/4" = 1' side. engineers
    scales read 1 to 20 or 1 to 10 or 1 to 30...... increments of ten. and
    ususally it means 1" = 20' - 0" for my site plans. the contractor
    reading the floor plans will use an architect's scale, and the one
    reading the site plan will expect an engineer's scale.

    there is a factor of 12 involved. so to plot to an engineer's scale, I
    would scale my viewport 1/240XP.

    draw your model full scale and work out the ratios so that you get what
    you excpect to see when you plot.
    play with it. if you conform to standards, I am betting that soon you
    will be in danger of forgetting the processes of fiinding your magic
    it's the sort of thing you set up once and forget about.


    actually, I hope you did not need this at all. going for coffee now.
    Niki, Aug 19, 2006
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