Acad Install and profiles...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Rob Outman, Aug 11, 2003.

  1. Rob Outman

    Rob Outman Guest

    Hi all,

    Is it possible to "import" an existing profile into AutoCAD by using


    Rob Outman, Aug 11, 2003
  2. Rob Outman

    Nauman M Guest

    I use regedit for that. If you save out the profile rename it to a .reg
    file (from .arg) and at the end of installation (considering your paths
    are all the same) just do a

    REGEDIT /s "drive:\myacadprof.REG"

    thats it.

    make sure your Icon is calling the new profile name.

    or you can always use a script when running it for the first time and
    use vla functions to import the ARG file
    Nauman M, Aug 11, 2003

  3. I could add an IMPORT= key to the [NEWPROFILE] section...

    On the other hand, AcadInstall essentially builds and adds to existing profiles.
    Not sure why you'd want to use it if you already have a profile to import...

    What are you trying to do?

    | Byron Blattel
    | CADwerx---Applications for AutoCAD
    | Autodesk Registered Developer
    | email:
    | web site:
    Byron Blattel, Aug 11, 2003
  4. Rob Outman

    Rob Outman Guest

    Hi Byron...

    I am sure I have told you before... but EXCELLENT Program!


    I do tons of AutoCAD installs on a weekly basis (systems coming off lease,
    training systems, TDY laptops etc...) part of this install is to copy a
    company standard profile from the server and import it into AutoCAD. I was
    just curious as to whether or not AcadInstall would allow me to import the
    profile rather than having to open AutoCAD, and import the profile everytime
    I do an install. Sure would be a timesaver!


    Rob Outman, Aug 11, 2003
  5. Thanks :)

    If all you are doing with AcadInstall is to import an existing .arg you might as
    well use REGEDIT as Nauman suggested.

    Are you currently using AcadInstall as part of the process?

    It's no big deal to add an import ability, but I'll just be calling regedit from
    within AcadInstall...

    How do you do your AutoCAD installs?

    | Byron Blattel
    | CADwerx---Applications for AutoCAD
    | Autodesk Registered Developer
    | email:
    | web site:
    Byron Blattel, Aug 11, 2003
  6. Rob Outman

    Ed Jobe Guest

    Just rename the .arg to .reg and double click on it.
    Ed Jobe, Aug 11, 2003
  7. Rob Outman

    Rob Outman Guest

    Actually I am using InnoSetup to do a bunch of configuration at once...
    After the installs are done, I am copying cfg files, arg files and a bunch
    of other things over to the users local drive from the server... I just
    figured that while running that executable I could add one more item to the
    list by automatically importing the .arg into AutoCAD and have it all done
    in one fell swoop!

    I am running a silet network install when installing AutoCAD!
    Rob Outman, Aug 11, 2003
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